Another Function will move out in the middle of July.

Another Functionは都合により、移転致します。9月下旬には、次の活動をスタートする予定です。現在、不確定要素があるため、あまり多くを語れませんが、次のスペースにて皆様にお会い出来る事を楽しみに致しております。これまでのご厚情に感謝するとともに、今後ともご愛顧の程を宜しくお願い申し上げます。
Another Function will move soon by a complicated problem.In the end of September, we are going to start the next activity.It cannot tell you almost of all in order that there are some uncertain factors now, but it looks forward to that we can meet all of you in the next space.We would like to say that thanks for your past kindness and asks to love Another Function continuously also.

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More from fudeya
’08 28 October
チョイートそこまで?/ ...
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