「SPACEART展」 SPACEART Exhibition Tarja Trygg and Maija Pellonpää-Forss 2009/5/11-5/24


5月11日(月)—5月24日(日) 11:00 – 18:00 無休
*Opening reception 18:00 – 20:30Monday, May 11, 2009


フィンランドセンター http://www.finstitute.gr.jp/



2002 Maija Pellonpää-Forss
The Textile Artist of the Year 2002 in Finland by an exhibition in Design Forum called “Space Junk”.

2002 Tarja Trygg
Doctorate degree on “solargraphy” including a survey on the move- ments of the arch of the sun at various places all over the world.

Their idea of the joint exhibition was born in 2007 when they were
carrying out teacher exchange in Tama Art University in Tokyo that is a strong and long term collaboration partner of TAIK.

2009 Maija Pellonpää-Forss
The latest publication of hers is coming out in March,
Photo by Tarja Trygg. http://www.solargraphy.com

ソーラグラフィーとプリントテキスタイルによるコラボレーション展です。ソーラグラフィーという言葉は耳慣れない言葉です。今回の作家Tarja Tryggはソーラグラフィーという言葉の名付け親です。太陽の軌跡を、ピンホールカメラ(手軽さと耐久性を考慮して、フィルム缶に穴をあけたものを使用)により印画紙に直接焼き付ける映像記録表現です。2007年にはフィンランドより来日を果たしました。その際、多摩美術大学に於いて2週間に渡るワークショップを開催し、大成功を収めました。来日一ヶ月前よりソーラーグラフによる映像記録撮影のため、ピンホールカメラが大量に送付されて参りました。学生は一ヶ月に渡り指示通り、カメラをセットし記録写真を撮りました。その後、ソーラグラフィーをもとに原画を作成、プリント生地に仕立て、講評会を行ないました。今回はそのオーソリティーお二人のコラボレーション展となります。

It is a collaboration exhibition by solargraphy and the textile printing.Words called solagraphy are unfamiliar words.This artist Tarja Trygg is a godparent of words called solagraphy.It is the expression of the picture record to print a solar trace to photographic paper directly by a pinhole camera (it uses the thing which drilled canned film in consideration of simplicity and the durability).They achieved a visit to Japan from Finland in 2007.They developed a workshop for two weeks in Tama Art University and gained a great success on this occasion.A lot of pinhole cameras ware dispatched for the photography of the picture record by the solar graph one month before they visit to Japan.The student took a photorecording by a camera set according to instructions for one month.They made the original picture based on solagraphy and performed printing on cloths, gave comment party in persiennes afterwards.It becomes the collaboration exhibition of two of the authority this time.

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More from fudeya
’10 26 September
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