’10 17 September

September 17 /My office became busy, too.It is considerably regaining strong spirits.A lot of work is piled up, and wastepaper runs it down from a trash box.Because it looked like Helicobacter pylori bacteria somehow,I took this picture.I do not see it like that before I take a picture, I assume that I take it in being disappointed.I bought a pen case and an eraser such as the lunch box in a workplace yesterday.The eraser name are milikeshi( means you can erase from thin line to fat line each milimeters) and kadokeshi(it has a lot of coner.you can use it like a new one every time).I used it, but particularly do the commentary of the use condition later.At this chance I guess the good thing, it is convenient when there is an murikeshi(unreasonableness eraser),it deletes unreasonableness.I would like to change the story. Helicobacter does not appear if it does not stick to the bad bacteria, it seems to be useful.Treatment development using the property in response to light of the euglena seems to advance.It was surprised at the effect, but the medical advance has a splendid thing.I did a meeting with the client of the distant place today, but think that in this case you should use skype.Can make arrangements of talking on the telephone is the least a quite good thing because it is Japanese because it is the inside of the country.It still thinks that a picture is more certain.In the manufacturing method of the product, there seems to be a difficult point for some reason.I will begin the alteration of the design immediately.My work says a surface design.It is a design affecting the appearance of the thing.When it makes a surface design on the skeleton which a function is already given priority to over, it is the plan of the simple figure. When a function is thin and appeals to emotion for a surface impression, it calls it with a surface design or a pattern design.I think that it is another function to be called an emotional design.Shag – … … – n, I want a, still, murikeshi(unreasonableness eraser); nowadays.

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