ANOTHER FUNCTION コレクション展/Collection of ANOTHER FUNCTION 2013/07/01~07/10(日曜日休廊/close on Sunday)


近隣6ギャラリー共催にてROPPONNGI ART AMANOGAWA 2013を開催致します。その関連展として7月1日から10日まで、これまで展覧会を開催した作家の作品展示を行います。これを機会に、これまでのANOTHER FUNCTIONの歩みをご高覧賜れば幸甚と存じます。

We hold ROPPONNGI ART AMANOGAWA 2013 with 6 neighborhood art galleries.From July 1 to 10th, we perform the work display of the artist who held an exhibition until now. We appreciate if you can have a look at step of ANOTHER FUNCTION at this opportunity.

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More from fudeya
’10 1 October
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