都市の形成/The formation of the city.


6月8日/先々週、佐原まで若い娘さん達とスケッチ旅行をした。上記写真は松坂屋の出張所。現在では事情は変わりましたが、当時は海運都市として栄えたこの街の名残らしい。近くに下総一宮香取神社があり、古より門前町としての性格もあって由緒ある街だ。日本の古代、中世の都市形成は港町、門前町、城下町などに分かれるらしい。この街は舟運の中継街として栄えた。この水路を遡ると伊能忠敬旧家がある。旧宅は彼の養子婿先らしい。旧宅は改修中だったので、見学出来ずじまいだった。話は変わるが、ヨーロッパでは中世都市の形成は先ずローマの衛星都市に遡る。 グリッドと呼ばれるローマ古代都市の名残を起源に、近くの大きな河周辺に中世都市が築かれていく。その中世都市の道は地政学なのか全体としての構成が理想的とはいえない入り組んだものとなっている。大河の側に都市が形成されるのは水運と生活用水の確保や衛生上の問題ではなかろうか。インドなどの哲学的な意味合いとは少し違う気がする。佐原、嘗て水運で栄えたこの土地の風情を残す為の努力が行われていた。それはそれで良いのだが、不満もある。ヨーロッパでは博物館などの修復を通して、伝統的な技術は伝承されている。この技術は街の景観補修などに利用されているのではないだろうか。美術館自体も修復が頻繁になされる。佐原での不満は新たな建物の漆喰が偽物なので、安っぽいと思うところ。それでも、この景観を通じて日本の普通の生活が復活して欲しい。着物姿が似合う街である。この川筋は嘗て色街だったと聞いたが、松坂屋出張所の白黒の市松模様が当時のハイカラなのだろう。実に婀娜っぽい。着物姿で買い物をしてみたい。

June 8 /I took a trip to sketch to Sawara with young wemen week before last.The photograph mentioned above is a branch office of Matsuzakaya Department Store.Recently the circumstances changed, but seem to be the trace of this town which prospered as a marine transportation city in those days.There is Shimousa Ichinomiya Katori Shrine near and there is the character as Monzen-machi for a long time and Sawara is a venerable town.The city formation of the Middle Ages in Japan seems to be divided into a port town, Monzen-cho, the castle town.This town prospered as a broadcast town of the water transportation.There is Tadataka Ino former house when you sail up this waterway.His former house seems to be the house which moved an adopted child bridegroom.I could observe the former house by result repairing and was not able.Changing the subject, at first the formation of the city dates back to the satellite city of Rome in the European Middle Ages.The trace of the Roman Empire city as the origin called the grid is built a city around a big river nearby in the Middle Ages.It cannot be said that constitution as the whole is ideal whether the street of the city is geopolitics in the Middle Ages; it was very complicated.Will it be transportation by water and securing of life water and a sanitary problem that a city is formed near a big river?I feel slightly different from the philosophical implication such as India.An effort to keep the origin of Sawara, taste of this place which ever prospered in transportation by water was performed.It is good, but is dissatisfied.The traditional technique is handed down through the restoration such as museums in the Europe.This technique may be used for the scene repair of the town.As for art museum in itself, it is done restoration frequently.The plaster of a new building is an imitation, and my dissatisfaction in Sawara is a place to let you think that landscape is superficial.Still, normal life of Japan wants you to revive through this view.It is a town looking good with a kimono figure.I heard that this land along a river was ever a pleasure quarter, but the monochrome checks of the Matsuzakaya Department Store branch office will be then stylishness.Really seductive.I want to do shopping with a kimono figure.

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’10 7 October
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