
March 6 /I wrote that the plant in the photograph did not die well anymore for two years in facebook on 31st December, 2012.It is the photograph of the following publication.My wife cared for it,the plant gradually shed the leaves,afterwards while guessing whether it might be getting worse and worse.Only two pieces of leaves were left because of the worth.It was just around one month ago, the tip swelled out somehow.When I was beginning to give up the life of this plant with the end soon.I continued observing it somehow.My wife did not scramble,because there was not such a thing.But she was indifferent by water change for and water mold collecting.It was one week ago, the point of the bud became green, and branching began to two of them like a horn.I talk about this with my wife that it is an effort of the hour of death.Is it expected that what shall be coming from now on?Probably it must die in due course if it doesn’t have own root.In a difficult thing, I have to think about myself who has done wish credit to this plant.What shall I do?


写真: この写真の植物は、かれこれ2年間に渡りこのままの状態です。もう少し早く、枯れてしまうかと思いましたが枯れません。新しい芽が出るわけではないですが、少しずつ枯れています。昨年の春頃に気が付き、帰国までには枯れてしまうだろうと考えていましたが、枯れません。瑞々しくはないので、枯れているといえば枯れているのですが完全に枯れているわけではありません。何となく捨てられなくなって、2年間が過ぎようとしています。皆様の中にも、積極的に働きか掛けて来るわけではないけれども、捨てるに捨てられないものはおありでしょうか。大晦日ですが、我が家はこれから大掃除です。何となく、正月を迎えそうです。


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