’12/7/Feb./軽さ/The lightness is light-seasoned as well

2月7日/ 本日は昨日に引き続き、久しぶりの雨の日でした。屋上の植木も喜んでいるに違いありません。明日からはまた乾燥するようですが、風邪には呉々もご用心下さい。今週来週は勤め先の仕事で手一杯の状況。それでも気になる仕事もあり、落ち着かない日々が続いています。実は、我が家と仕事場は徒歩20分くらいの距離で、タクシーでワンメーター710円ですか。この距離が意外と曲者で、帰宅が億劫になりがちです。途中にイタ飯屋があり、そこでワインを一杯頂いてピンチョスを2個くらい摘んで帰宅と相成ります。当然、混んでいる時は 喫煙バーで煙いのを我慢しながら早く帰ろうと落ち着きません。近くの商店街には焼き鳥屋があり、そこで一杯も良いのですが、かなり遠回り。何事も途中に楽しみがないと、出不精になりがちで反省頻りです。明日は昼に食事をしながら、打ち合わせ。なかなか目が覚めていません。一ヶ月前までは、完璧よりもアベレージを上げるために多く描き、また考えている時間よりも思ったらすぐ行動に、という生活がありました。明日からは心入れ替えて、ウ〜ン何処に行きましょうか。
February 7 /It lasted yesterday, and it was a rainy day after a long absence today.It must be pleased with the garden plant on the roof.It seems to dry again from tomorrow, but all of you please be careful with a cold.The situation is busy in my workplace on this week and the next week as for me.There is the work to be worried about anything, and the days that I do not calm down still continue.In fact, my home and workshop are distance just like around 20 minutes on my feet, is it 710 yen as just the cheapest account by the taxi’s meter?This distance is fragile unexpectedly, and my coming buck home is easy to become troublesome.There is the cheap Italian restaurant on the way to my home, and therefore I have a little bit of wine and picks up several pinchoses, and it turns out for return.Naturally it is a smoking bar if it is crowded, I intend to go out early while enduring to be smoky, and I do not calm down at all.There is the Yakitori-bar name is Abechan in the Azabujuban shopping street, and therefore it is good idea drinking a little bit there , but it is considerably a detour also.Because if there is not pleasure on the way, everything is apt to become stay-at-office.I reflect that very often.Have a meeting tomorrow while taking lunch.I don’t readily get the consciousness that turned back to my home country.Until one month ago, I drew a lot it to raise an average than I continued to think about the perfection, there was the life that I put into an action immediately than I was thinking.Hum hum I have to exchange consideration from tomorrow and where shall I go? Mamy, Mamy what I shall do!!!

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