’12/5/Feb./掴みどころ/Point or anything……..

2月5日/先月までの旅が嘘のように、相変わらずの日常がスタートした。本日は山本渉氏が来廊されました。氏のお話は大変興味深いものでありました。植物を内側から感じる体質らしく、その内側から理解を深めたいのだそうです。今回の作品のヒントや撮影方法も興味深く伺いました。小学生の時、植物のスケッチを先生に叱られたそうです。何でも、他の児童と根本的に捉え方が違ったらしく、先生が判断しかねたような内容でした。どうも、山本さんには植物に対して常人のそれとは違う思いがありそうです。私が崇拝するNanpohさんやDr. Makinoのお話も出て、静かに盛り上がりました。彼に取って被写体である植物は単なる客観的な美の対象ではなく、それを通して自分を見つめる自己同一化の対象なのだと思いました。そうでなくては小学生時の先生からの叱咤は激励に変わりません。以前にも、動物も植物もその生命的な本質は同じだと考えていたと仰っておりました。その飄々とした風貌と言い不思議な御仁ではあります。表現者の嫉妬も含めて、今後のご活躍を期待致したく存じます。
February 5 /The trip until last month was incredible, and daily life same as before started.Mr. Wataru Yamamoto visited Another Function today.His story was very interesting.Like constitution to feel a plant from his mind, he would like to deepen understanding from the inside of the plants.I heard a hint and the photography method of his work with fascination. He talked me that he has been scolded the sketching of the plant at the age of a primary schoolchild by a teacher.It seems to have been fundamentally different from other children in how to catch, and anything was the contents which a teacher cannot judge.He seems to have thought unlike it of the ordinary man for a plant somehow.The subject of Mr. Nanpoh (Minakata Kumagusu, April 15, 1867 – December 29, 1941 was a Japanese author and naturalist.) and Dr.Makino (Tomitaro Makino, April 24, 1862 – January 18, 1957 was a pioneer Japanese botanist noted for his taxonomic work.) which I admired was given and swelled calmly.I thought that the plant which was a subject for him was an object of the self-identification to stare at himself through it not an object of the simple beauty.When it is not so, the scolding from a teacher in the primary schoolchild does not turn into encouragement.He said about an animal and plant when he thought that it was the same thing in the essence of the life as before.He has an easygoing looks, and a quite mysterious personage.I want him to expect future activity, and it includes my jealousy of the depicter.

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