連休は終了/The consecutive holidays are expired.

L1150921L11601665月6日/本日で通称5月連休の幕を閉じました。やることが多くて、それらに手を着けられない人も多かっでしょうか。私もその一人ですが。ボーッとする休日も良いのですが、追いつきたかった仕事のしっぺ返しが来そうです。次期展示は、秋のものはほぼ決まり、七夕の時期の作家も決まりそうです。決まり次第、掲載させて頂きます。上記写真はインドで見学した、バルクリシュナ・ドーシの建築です。ドーシはパリのコルビュジェのアトリエで学び、アーメダバードを中心に活動を展開した人です。改修後のタゴール・ホール外観(構造設計:坪井善勝とGUFAと呼ばれるグジャラート大学の前庭にあるギャラリー施設です。ドーシは師匠のコルビュジェのように、絵画や彫刻の芸術運動にかなり影響を受けながら表現に近い建築も心掛けています。同じくアーメダバードにある彼の自邸はモダンでありながら地域に密着した気候風土への配慮や現地の材を使用するという方法でデザインしています。暑くて湿気の多いシーズンとカラッと晴れて日差しの強いシーズンの住み分けがテーマのようです。その気候風土が文化の違いを際立たせます。建築などはその典型といえるかもしれません。May 6 /The curtain of May consecutive holidays as we say was closed in today.There is much work that you should do, and there would be many people who could not start those work.I am one of them as well.The absentminded holiday is good,Retaliation of the work that I wanted to catch up with seems to come.The private exhibition held in autumn is almost decided, and the next showing seems to be hit to the artist when we will administer the Star Festival.We will carry it as soon as it is selected.The photograph mentioned above is a building which was designed by Balkrishna Vithaldas Doshi when I observed in India.Mr.Doshi learns in an atelier of Le Corbusier of Paris and is the person who developed activity around Ahmedabad.It is the appearance of Tagore Hall (a structure design: Yoshikatsu Tsuboi) after the repair and the gallery institution in the front yard of the Gujarat University called GUFA.Mr.Doshi kept the building which is near to expression in mind like Le Corbusier who is his teacher while being considerably affected by an art movement of a picture and the sculpture.Similarly, his own residence in Ahmedabad. He designed it by a method to use consideration to the weather and climate coherent to the area and local materials while being modern.The living apart of a hot and humid season, the season when the sunlight is strong openly nicely is like the theme.The weather and climate individualizes difference in culture.It may be said that the architectures are good models.



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’10 16 December
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