「馬場恵以実」展 2011/7/1-7/14     “Amy Baba”Extibition

Would anybody think of an apple if they are asked for “a sweet-and-sour fruit that is red and globular?” Do you know, however, that we used to have a kind called “Indian Apple”  that was not red but it did smell so sweet. Conversely, nobody knows if a rough sketch drawn by the word “an apple” would truly show its  image as a fruit. A gap between the image and the word, or vice versa, is as complicated as a winding road running through the deep forest.
Amy Baba isn’t particularly a painter of apples  but she is an eternal explorer of the forest full of meanings.
text/Kunio Motoe

1988年 京都府宇治市生まれ 東京都羽田育ち
2005年 約1年間New Zealandに滞在 先住民Maoriの文化に魅せられる
2011年 多摩美術大学美術学部絵画学科油画専攻卒業
現在  多摩美術大学大学院美術研究科博士前期課程 絵画専攻1年


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