’11/8/Jun/立ち位置”standing position”

6月8日/ いよいよ次回展も決まり、これから準備に入ります。ここに引っ越して良かったことに、近隣ギャラリーとの付き合いがあります。以前の場所は自宅に近く便利でしたが、横の繋がりがありませんでした。家人は、その付き合いを大切にしていて、打ち合わせと称しての食事会もあるようです。そんなことで「六本木アート天の川」が7月1日、2日に渡り展開されます。六本木ART WEEKのときのように粗品を用意してお待ち致しております。企画の詳細が決まり次第お知らせします。実は5月中旬は海外におりました。一週間程の滞在でした。久しぶりに会う人々は、親しい人ばかりでした。あまり親しくなり過ぎて、これからの関係を円滑に進めるには、あまり迷惑をかけないように片隅で過ごす事かと思っております。これは在留邦人の皆様も一緒で、あまり生活圏に立ち入らないのがマナーだと、短期滞在者の私は考えます。又、秋にもう一度伺うことになります。
June 8 /The next exhibition is finally decided and we will begin preparations from now on.We are having been one of good things that we moved here, there is fellowship with the neighborhood gallery.The ex-place was near to the home and was convenient, but there was not a horizontal relation.My wife values the fellowship, and there seems to be the dinner party that it claims to make the meeting.”The Roppongi art Milky Way” is developed in such a thing for two days from on July 1st.
We will prepare a small present and wait for you like the time of Roppongi ART WEEK.We will inform it as soon as the details of the plan are decided.In fact, I was abroad in the middle of May.It was a stay of around one week.The people whom I met after a long absence were only close people.They became slightly too close.When I think about relations with them from now on, as for it, I do not trouble them very much.In addition, I think that it is to live without my attracting attention.This is similar for Japanese residents abroad.I who am a transient think that it is a manner that I do not enter their sphere of life very much.

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