’09 13 June




June 12 /The upper photograph is a peach of the last year. The peach of this year is a lower photograph. It bore two fruits this year. One is round, and one is the thing which is slim like last year. A fragrance and the color and luster were similar last year, but were not sweet last year. I think the peach of this year not to be sweet, and it is not eaten it for uneasiness. I feel can eat it when I boil it with sugar or make it jam. I wait for the time when it may be digested for a while and give a conclusion. Readers please expect a report.

6月13日/午後は府中市美術館にLESS AND MORE展に伺いました。府中市美術館は昨年度まで本江邦夫先生が館長をなさっていた美術館です。なかなかコンパクトで充実している展覧会でした。ドイツのブラウン社のプロダクツは憧れがありましたが模型も含めて,かなりの数を見られて良かったです。よいデザインの10か条というコーナーがあり、ディータ・ラムスがスウェーデンでの講演(1983年)の6か条にワシントンで講演(1985年)の4か条を加えた10項目に亘るよいデザインの条件が掲示されておりました。どれもどのデザイン領域にも共通する条件でありました。10番目のポイント『よいデザインはできるだけ少ないデザイン』は今回のタイトルLESS AND MOREの言わんとするところのLESSの部分だと思います。では、AND以降のMOREですがここを十分に吟味することが重要だと思います。両方とも適度なバランスをとることではないかと思うのです。作風を大事にすることも同時に述べられており、デザイナー個人としてどのようにMOREとのバランスをとるのか自分にとっても課題です。

June 13 /I went to the Fuchu Art Museum for an LESS AND MORE exhibition in the afternoon. In fact, Fuchu Art Museum is the art museum where Mr. Kunio Motoe did the director until this March. It was the exhibition which it was very compact, and was substantial. Because there was admiration to products of German company BRAUN as for me, it was good that inclusive I was seen in the model with the number of the considerable works. There was a corner posted 10 requirements of good designs on. It added six that Mr. Dieter Rams described by a lecture in Sweden(1983), and the requirement of the good design which over ten items that the curator of this exhibition added four that he spoke by a lecture in Washington (1985) was noticed.  It was the requirement that all items were common to all design domains. The requirement of a good design was posted. I think that it is a part of LESS which this title LESS AND MORE wants to say “the thing that the good design does not design as much as possible” of the tenth point. Then, about MORE after the AND, I think that it is important that I inspect it enough. I think whether both are to adjust the moderate balance. That it regards a style of the designer as important at the same time is spoken, and it is a problem for myself how MORE balances as a personal impression of the designer.


Afterwards, I visited new shop of totodo, after I came back home. The new shop like the photograph which I took looked prosperous, congratulations anyway. I calmed down in the new shop and thought that it was interior design to feel an old study from the every detail of the shop. After closing a shop, I went to the meal of the celebration with Mr. and Mrs. Ohwada. I realy hope that their happiness will come ture.

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