’15/9/17/ホテルオークラの建て替え、一月末の忙しさ。/Rebuilding of Hotel Okura, business of the end of January.






Recently the problem of the collective self-defense that I can not imagine that it will be disturb the world at all. I did not expect that such a day comes, but must be the opening scene of the terrible times.

I consider that it is thoughtless things holding the exhibition even though young people perform the demonstration in front of the Diet building. However there are any problems separately from personal expectations in any times. Will it be the making of evidence for the regret if I should do it at that time?

The super hectic time of the new year and  beginning of the new school term didn’t let me write a diary. I would like to take a brake because an exhibition of Sayaka Suzuki is realized at last, but I have already planed my show after a long absence in next March. Therefore I started designing of my new work and will make reservation exhibit space as I focused a place. A cotton print will be designed under the theme of light and darkness that I felt through an overseas stay in 2011 is displayed.

On the other hand, I had studied the design of the architecture seriously for three years. The design that was a graduation work became the top three and could see through some later development. I only wanted the license of the authorized architect simply, but I can realize   that I should learn architecture a little more because of my graduation work. It is the period of the review by a design of the graduation work. I have to write down an essay (1,000 characters) now.

By the way, Hotel Okura will be rebuilt. I visited there at the final week.That lobby is well known as a masterpiece of Yoshio Taniguchi. It is the splendid space design like the representative of the Japanese modernism after the world war. It is an airport limousine platform for Narita as for me. In a short term before a bus coming I used to read a book in a sofa.


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