9月25日/D.M.英訳も揃い案内状校了、印刷へ。September 25th, the notice of the next exhibition was ordered at last.

t_MG_3935 のコピー


Work was complicated and could not readily start work, but at last I took out a notice to print.I want to send it to the artist by Monday.I settle work simply today and go home by bus.The recent bus commuting can come to the workshop with a fresh feeling. The place called Roppongi cannot readily feel attachment when it is our town.I spring out something like sense of relief that I come home when I go through there on a bus and get it off in a home side.I feel some sort of illusion that is the center of Tokyo, and I surpose to become as one of Roppongi Hills group at the attendance is really mysterious.This exhibition has artist talking, but wants to make around 25 people because of reasons for our space.Not to mention Miss Sayaka Suzuki, Mr. Seia Suzuki will come to join artist’s talking as a guest.I look forward to the M.C. of Mr. Motoe-sensei as well.All of you are stirred up, too, and, please participate.I expect well coming.

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’08 15 August
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