’09 7 December



December 4 /I went for the AXIS sale held once a year.In the sale hall being crowded every year.I hunted for the bargain in the store with my wish.The right side mentioned above is a crop.The chair of the office is the same maker.I purchased all of them with a regular amount of money.Their friends increased this time.I thought that it was buying if it was around a one-third of a regular amount of money.Naturally I was scolded by my wife when I returned to the office.The furniture of the office is collected in one place during the session of the exhibition and seems to be tight.The end of the year seems to be near in this year.Every year is over by unsatisfactory work, but it repeats the same thing in the next year, and I think every year.Mr. Ida visited my office by the meeting of the workplace from the evening. I please be whole the year that is good for a student in the next fiscal year.


December 5 /In a workplace,when I wrote the application documents of the next fiscal year and got over and wrote it when I got over again, the day was over immediately.Some third graders seem to have got a motivation.I must give a supplementary lecture once this year.It seems to be that the number of hours needs that it balance with the financing of the parent of the student than the self-satisfaction of the teacher.When we calculate whether the tuition per the time is paid no matter how much, it cannot neglect it.My class advances smoothly.Thus I planed to make my class to go to outside the school.It is an art museum visit of the central area of Tokyo.I gave a student an order for report presentation.I think that it is useful to talk while we observe it together.There is the viewpoint to be able to come in contact because there is it outside a school.December(師走 is pronounced “Shiwasu”, it means even the teacher must run around busily.師 means a teacher,走 means to run ), but wants to go with a visit slowly without running.





12月6日/いきなり朝4時に起きて、風呂に入り家人を叩き起こして三重県立美術館の石井厚生展と奥様の大橋歩展を見学に出掛けました。「オフコース、マイ・カーでドライブ、ロングディタンスね」です。すこし、ルー語調になって参りました。元い、「勿論、私は車で長距離を運転しました」です。先日、中国に留学している学生に伺いましたらば、話せなくても文字で大分理解出来るそうです。表記文字と表意文字、なんだかアナログとデジタルみたいで面白いです。多分、漢字使用民族とアルファベット使用民族の文化の違い(脳の構造)は、今更ながら、かなりのものかも知れません。兎に角、展覧会は素晴らしく感動的でありました。表記するなら深い感動、表意するならdeep impressionでありました。久しぶりに元気は貰いましたが、帰りの渋滞は年齢を感じずにいられませんでした。お伊勢参りも致しまして、赤福を購入して参りました。

December 6 /I was up suddenly at 4:00 a.m. and took a bath and woke up my wife and to go Atsuo Ishii exhibition and the Ayumi Ohashi of his wife exhibition held in the Mie Prefectural Art Museum.It is” a drive, long distance, off course, my car”.It became the Ruu Oosiba tone a little.There was the cause, and “Of course I ran a long range by my car”.When I asked a student going to China to study, it seems to be able to understand it by a chinese character considerably even if you cannot talk.It seems to be somewhat analog and digital, and a notation letter and an ideograph are interesting.Probably it is nothing new to say chinese character use race and difference (the structure of the brain) of the alphabet use racial culture may be considerable things.Anyway, the exhibition was impressive fantastically.A notation letter was a 「超感動」, and an ideograph was “deep impression”.I got spirit after a long absence, but the traffic jam of the return could not help feeling my age.We did the Ise worship and purchased Akafuku rice cake(means Happy Fortune) and returned.



12月7日 /本日より、栗原那津子展が始まりました。事務所に出るといきなりドーンと音がして壁が揺れたので、外に出てみるとブロック塀の撤去工事の真っ最中。このところの騒音は怒り心頭なのですが、この狭い土地は一回目は三つに分割されて1億以上の値段がついておりましたが、直ぐに七分割になり7千万円くらいの切り売りになったら、即完売したそうです。新しい住人が来ます。不思議なのは皆さん若いカップルなのです。麻布台に住むのが嬉しいのだそうで、需要があると信金マンが申しておりました。それにしても、我が事務所のチープな外壁は何とか成りませんかね。消防法違反なんじゃないですか。分かりませんが、ちゃんと造作して欲しいものです。自分を棚に上げて、何となく夏目漱石の「それから」の一節を思い出しました。読んだ当時、膝をたたいて同感し、この文豪の指摘に驚かされたものです。私にとって、数少ない読書の珠玉のお言葉ではあります。

December 7 /An exhibition of Natsuko Kurihara began from today.
When I went to the office, “Dawn” made a sound suddenly, and a wall shook.Thus it was at the height of the removal construction of the wall made of blocks when I went out.Recent I am angry at the noise, and it is the heart.At first this small land was divided to three, and prices more than 100 million were on.However, it became division into seven immediately.Because it was sold off around 70 million yen bit by bit, they seem to have been sold out immediately.A new resident comes.I feel that a new resident is a young couple strangely.They seem to be glad that they live in Azabudai.Shinkin-man(a Credit bank clerk ) told it that there was such a demand.Still, does the poor-looking outer wall of my office become somehow?Is not that violation of Fire Services Act?I do not understand it, but want you to furnish it properly.I shut my eyes to my own shortcomings and remembered one paragraph of ”SOREKALA” of Soseki Natsume somehow.When I read it, I clapped a knee and agreed with it, and it was surprised by the indication of this great writer.For me, it is the words of the gem of my little reading.

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