’09 12 December




December 8 /I was an observer of the print factory today.It was so yesterday.Because communication with the factory did not readily contact, as for my attendance, it was for two days.It finished being already sultry and entered to wash it.I think that the print was made good very much.In this factory, craftsman exceeded 70 years old, and successor upbringing became the important problem. Successor upbringing greets the heard time for all Japanese industry from now on.For example, China is an excellent attack now, but there is the time when the genealogy lacks about the modernism and slightly differs from our country in a context about the design.I am not accompanied by expectation what kind of cultural development there is, but the thing that is interesting how you inherit it is reliable from now on.Still, pride of the craftsmen is feelings very difficult to deal with.


December 9 /In a workplace, it has a meeting.I go to my class afterwards.I talk with Mr. Kousuke Tsumura which is the lecturer of the chain reaction lecture for a while.So that he says; the badness of the economy of us seem to be more than expected.Even if a waiting taxi reduces the number of the car in the station square, it is disappointed with the sales of last year ratio 50%, and it seems to be serious that sales of the clothing are bad.I come back to my own office after having done office work in the work place, and it is prepared for the setup of the site afterwards.



December 10 /A lot of big shiitakes arrived.A recipe does not come into me while wanting to use it for the tomorrow’s opening.The shiitake is delicious, but a head becomes blank when I think about cooking.It bakes it simply, and it attaches soy sauce, and let’s eat.




12月11日/本日、午後一で有田の件を打ち合わせ致しました。新作の試作が少し遅れている件でした。なんとか、朋友デザイナーK氏の機転で乗り切れそうです。しかし、発表時期は少し遅れるかも知れません。打ち合わせもそこそこに栗原那津子さんのオープニングとAnother Functionの忘年会も兼ねてのパーティー準備にもどりました。生憎の雨で、買い出しが大変でしたが大勢お集まり頂き、今年はビンゴなどをやり楽しい忘年会、いやオープニングパーティーとなりました。ガラスが曇るなどというのは、土田君のオープニング以来だそうです。

December 11 /I struck a matter of Arida today at 1:00 p.m.It was that some latest trial manufacture were late.We seem to be able to survive it for quick wit of companion designer Mr.Yasuo Kondo somehow.However, some announcement time may be late.I finished a meeting and returned to party preparations that it served as an opening of Miss Natsuko Kurihara, the year-end party of Another Function.By unfortunate rain, as for us, a shopping expedition was miserable.A large number of visitors gathered without being concerned with it.We did bingo and became the splendid opening party of Kurihara rather than a pleasant year-end party this year.Glass being clouded since an opening of Mr.Tsuchida.

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