’12 / 27th May / 素晴らしい日曜日。Splendid Sunday.

5月27日/本日は素晴らしい日曜日でした。それでも早朝に起床してしまいます。ひと仕事終えて、昼頃展示会に顔を出して事務所に、火曜日打ち合わせの仕事終了して小一時間事務仕事。いつも何だか忙しない。いよいよ小林さんの展示の準備もあります。最近、数学を習い始めました。これまで理科系も含め、勉強が苦手なので美術大学を目指した 若い頃。こんな展開になると思いませんでした。まずは簡単な本から読み始めました。今まで、理解出来なかった概念が多少理解出来るようになりました。ただし計算問題を解くのは難しいのです。たまに、先生の解答と同じになると狂気乱舞であります。理科系頭を持ち合わせない私が計算式をいちいち解くのは大変ですが、電卓の使い方を教わっています。こんなにいろいろな事が計算出来る電卓、知りませんでした。遠い向うだけでなく、身近なところにも未知の領域は存在致します。
May 27 /It was Sunday when it was splendid today.I still get up early in the morning.I finished part of my task, and come to the exhibition on about the daytime, and, I worked for the meeting that will hold on Tuesday, and I did office work at front row time in my studio.I am somewhat always busy.It is finally ready for the exhibition of  Miss Kobayashi.I have begun to learn mathematics recently.My youth toward the University of Arts,because include the study of the science system, and it is me who am weak in study till now.Such developed thing did not seem to be me.First of all I have begun to read from the book which it was easy.I got possible to understand the concept that I was not able to understand to some extent so far.But it is difficult to solve the issue of calculation for me.I feel just like an insane boisterous dance when I agree with the answer of the teacher once in a while crocodile.It is serious that I who do not have a science system head decipher a calculating formula one by one, but learn how to use electronic calculator alligator.Electronic calculator, I who could calculate so various things did not know it.There is the unknown field in not only the far-off over there but also the imminent place surface.

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