’12/30/April いつか王子様が。Someday my prince will come.

4月30日/「Someday my prince will come.」といえば、思い出すのはマイルス・デーヴィス。スタンダードナンバーではあるが、マイルスの演奏。彼は大変情熱家であったらしく、警官に楯突いて暴力や不当な弾圧を受けたらしい。日曜日の朝はマイルス・デーヴィスが良いかな。若い頃はバド・パウエルだった。20数年前、スウェーデンを旅した際にはオールド・ストックホルムを訪ねた。「Dear Old Stockholm」、大好きだったなぁ。独身時代の休日。洗濯の時は、いつもこの曲を聞いていた。バド・パウエルが経済的に困窮し、秋吉俊子さんにも借金を申し入れた頃の曲だ。場所はN.Y.C.のハーレムではなく、パリでのことだったと思う。会社勤めか、フリーランスか、卒業時に悩んだ。道は二つ。会社就職なら、就職試験に向けて頑張る。フリーランスなら、偉い先生のアトリエに入る。文字が上手く書けない私は後者を選んだ。選んだからといって弟子にして貰える保証は無い。思い悩んだが、幸運なことに入所出来た。しかし、それは始まりであって、それからの5年間近くの基礎的デザインの学びは大学在学中のそれを遥かに上回った。卒業したら直ぐに仕事が出来ると思っている最近の若い人には、理解出来ないと思う。仕事ではデザイン能力を身に付けようと、かなり悩んだが、決して現代特有の鬱ではなかった。そのころ、よく夜中にジャズ関係の集まりがあり出掛けた。森山威男バンドや板垣文夫トリオの追っかけ、評論家平岡正明氏の早朝に及ぶジャズ夜話などを4週間くらい通い続けたこともある。この気分転換は体力的にも辛かったが、きっと明日が来るさと思っていた。これは浪人時代から変わらない、楽天的な性格が幸いしている。切磋琢磨は世の常。勝敗もあるが、価値観はそれだけではない。勝ち負けなら、単純で良い。しかし、世の中は勝ち負けではない。もっと複雑に自我と絡み合うものだ。その複雑さは若い人よりも知っているつもりだが、若い人を理解出来ているかといえばそうでもない。このところの忙しさは、食い散らかして後片付けをしない身勝手な人間のようでもある。反省はするが、もう暫くしたら取りまとめて片付けたい。「いつか王子様が」というが、「いつかお姫様が」と言い換えないとなにか奮い立たない。尤も、何処にでも、どんな時でも、楽しみがあるのは当り前だ。生き甲斐も。
April 30 /When you say about “Someday my prince will come”,I just remember the performance of Myles Davies.It is the standard jazz number, but a performance of Myles is all for me.He seems to be the person who has much of passionate therefore he defied a police officer and took violence and unfair oppression.I listen to music of Myles Davies on the morning of Sunday.However it was Mr. Bud Powell’s when I was young.When I went to Sweden, I visited old Stockholm 20 several years ago.”Dear Old Stockholm”, that’s my one of favorite music.A holiday of my bachelorhood.At the time of washing, I always heard this music. Mr. Bud Powell was hard up economically, and this was music of the time when he offered a debt to Toshiko Akiyoshi who is a famous Japanese jazz pianist all over the world.I think that it seems to be the place is Paris, not a harem of N.Y.C.When I was young, I thought carefully whether a company work was suitable or a freelance designer was a fitting job as for me.The route was just two ways.If you find a job in the company, you must try an employment test so hard.You should enter the atelier of a great designer if you will become the freelance designer in the future.I chose the latter,because I cannot write a character well.However there is not the guarantee to make me take an assistant designer if I chose it.It worried, but I was able to enter like a sort of lucky.However, it is a beginning and, then learning it for nearly five years exceeded far it which was in the university.I think that it cannot understand about this thing to a recent young person thinking that you can work well as soon as possible after you graduate.I considerably suffered from the work to become good, but it was not present-day special depression at all.There was an organization about midnight jazz frequently, and I participated at that time.As for four weeks, it has continued going in the groupie of the Takeo Moriyama band and the Fumio Itabashi trio, a late-night jazz as the night tale of reviewer Masaaki Hiraoka.It was hard for my physical strength, but, as for this change of pace, I thought that surely I shall come to  tomorrow to be able to shine.This is favored with the optimistic character that does not change since a cramming school student.The close application is the way of the world.There is the victory or defeat, too, but the sense of values is not only it.If the life is judged from victory or defeat, it is good with simplicity.However, the life is not victory or defeat.It is connected with “ego” (das Ich) more complicatedly.I intend to know the complexity than the young person, but is not so whether I can understand a young person.It seems to be the self-centered person like a recent me who has the hard business, eats it out and does not clear it off.I reflect, but want to gather a record of an enormous trip with my work as soon as I can.It is said to be “Someday my prince will come”, but I am not stirred up something like when I can’t express it in other words to “Someday my princess will come”.There is the pleasure anytime anywhere in fact.As for something to live for your life.

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