’10 21 September

September 21 /
It completely rests today.I did channel-surfing and knew that the pop singer groups and talents from Asia enlivened Tokyo recently.Something style(Han Ryu or Fa Ryu something like that) visited Japan in a movie and a drama so far from Asia.The different styles seem to have come recently.I watch them and thought incidentally, but, as for the entertainment article for youths in particular, the Japanese group does not usually let you feel death.It is natural, but I am worried about high their completeness coming from Asia very much.In what is pure or a ground object, does it say with the feeling that it is like top liquid and is unreliable, and is uneasy?And they are just young women not  young men to be excited for them also.As for the teenagers of 60’s, the fans of the woman generally gathered around the idols once.It will be so in any kind of times, but there is a strange sense this time.I feel the life to a European and American young singer and movie star with their background.In addition, I feel the same thing for some recent Japanese young entertainers.I think that the mechanism which it is skillful, and is a rough-and-ready method is seen there when I ponder whether the fact of Asian countries is so.Seemingly the completion type to see in absoluteness.It thinks that you can win a Japanese model if an instigator knowing a Japanese model revises a certain point and I think that they may promote it.As for it, is admiration to Japan going to let a high model of the completeness sublimate more?Or is it said when you take the example at a jump in Europe and U.S.A. which is Japanese admiration and got over Japan? This is what it can say to art and a design.The big contemporary art special wards that there is in the Asian big city surpass Europe and U.S.A. and give us surprise.It will be the exaltation of the national prestige.However, I can think that the high level of the souvenir and method and work itself of the exhibition does not talk about the truth when I observe it slowly and carefully.There is difference in the history in each countries, and the culture comes under the influence.It is the reason why diversity, all nations are far from with the ideal when you think about a polity.Therefore, it is strange reason that the cultured person who came from different culture surpasses Japanese culture,I wonder if it is not an originally-like impression to feel a difference.How did you get over  the concept called modernism and for the recognition?It is already clear to be keyword.Because the Asian is the race that is a relative,it is easy to take it for the people of the own country.Will it become the sense such as a thing of victory or defeat rather than a difference?Make it which; by appearances is apt to be evaluated.On the other hand,a surface design of my specialty domain is a design to put for the surface of the thing namely.Therefore, a way of thinking is important, and it becomes important to consider that a surface design changes depending on a support (structure) if you speak only a textile design domain.It is said that a way of thinking and a support are important, but you cannot be said that it does not care a surface pattern design.When there pushes forward knowledge and a thought for construction in the design work, it becomes hard to draw a pattern design.When you work with your hands so smoothly, it is in condition like “throws away a book, and let’s to appear in the town”.The contents are important, too, but do carry the appearances on your back concerning a serious matter?

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