’09 3 October



September 29 /
As for a lunch time of my office, it is serious.The reason is because there are not many restaurants and lunch provider what is serious.It is chosen a curry lunch or the salmon lunch.However, a Chinese lunch participated in the lunch box war in this time.The bargaining of my wife and this Chinese restaurant manager is interesting.It seems to have come out to the lunch of the publication photograph mentioned above at last, whenever my wife met him, she always asked why there was not cuts of pork boiled with sugar, soy sauce, sweet sake and salt lunch.The manager who minded the price of the lunch asked her the price of the salmon lunch which my wife had in her hand obstinately, and one day he seems to have done it to a price same as a rival lunch.Anything may be that competition is important.It is the boss of a Chinese food lunch provider making a serious decision.Longed-for pig cuts of pork boiled with sugar, soy sauce, sweet sake and salt lunch was delicious.




October 1 /
Weather unsettled recently continued, but it was a sunny interval after a long absence.I appeared outside a school building and took a photograph for the break of the class.After a class, a tower was pink when I came home.It was so an annual breast cancer memorial day every year.The illumination of the tower changes in various ways.Green and pink, the something wrong including the blue are various.By the way, there was a car of the illegal parking for the return middle and was not able to readily arrive at a house.In fact, the demolition work of the old bank dormitory adjacent to my office began.Construction is noisy, and, as for us, work does not readily progress, but endures it.It was going to be divided on around three land after having dismantled it at first, and a sale handbill of the land became available.However, the handbill was divided finely in one week by nine houses in total, and a new handbill became available, and the people who came increased to confirm land suddenly.It is such prosperity as these bad times are not believed.I forgot the title, but think that it was a novel of Soseki Natsume whom I read in old days.When there was one paragraph to grieve over the then trend that a small cheap house compares with when a big mansion disappears if my memory is correct.If a principle of the capitalism economy obeys it, I think that it is a matter of course.The reason why we moved to here is because I purchased three tenement houses of land sold by an inheritance-related problem.I want to welcome a new resident, but please think about there being narrow road circumstances to them.



October 2 /The Olympics site is decided to an odd number on the night of today.The tower was flooded with the Olympics, too.It is the Committee which is mysterious what the general meeting of the IOC which the President and the prime minister go for a held invitation is.
I had to attend at presentation today in the workplace, but were absent for the preparations for tomorrow’s business trip with a meeting having been prolonged.I think that I am sorry for a fellow worker.I must considerably change the site of Fudeya corporation from now on.By a meeting of the morning, I was agreed with the producer and it by an approximate problem, but seem to hang now until an end of the fiscal year to be prepared smoothly entirely.





10月3日/ 昨日の雨が止み、晴天の早朝。本日は年に二回だけ、授業を担当しいる尾張一宮ファッションデザンセンターの社会人スクールへ出掛けました。恒例のカラーチップの授業です。使用してる教科書の著者の曾孫がアメリカからやって来て、現在大学院で私が主査を担当しているという不思議な縁のある授業であります。このシステムで多くの色音痴を救ったと思っています。若い人は、そのように素晴らしい授業であることなど忘れてしまい、自分一人で育ったような心境になるようです。私も若い頃はそうでした。いや、現在でもそうかも知れません。終了後、K甚の社長に迎えに来て頂いて小一時間、打ち合わせを致しました。もう一息で何とかなりそうです。帰りの車の中で来年度以降のテーマについて話しましたが、その際、この地域もこの一、二年で工場の操業が三分の二くらいになると聞きました。この20年で国内操業が約3割になり、また三分の二になります。この先、これら中小の技術は完全に海外に移行致します。この国の形を問うとき、環境に向けてというのは大きなテーマではありますが、そんなに単純ではありません。どのように舵取りをするとしても、蓄積された技術の流出は産業の崩壊をまねきます。特に中小の技術が支えてきたデザイン的感性表現も、これまで蓄積された感性が技術的限界のために後退するという微妙な関係性を誰が守っていくのでしょうか。既に手遅れかも知れませんが、国内零細企業のために踏ん張りたいと思います。打ち合わせ終了後、嘗て拙事務所のOBが実家を継いでいるSヶ原の料亭にお邪魔して、中秋の名月を楽しみました。急に思いついた、いきなりの来訪にも係らず歓待して頂きました。現在、車にのめり込んでいる様子、奥さんはあまり賛同できないと申しておりました。お店は繁盛している様子で安心した次第です。帰りのプラットホームから秋祭りの奉納花火が見られて、寂しさを紛らわせてくれました。東京の花火と違い、誰の奉納花火であるか解説後、一つひとつ丁寧に打ち上げられます。それを知らないと,少し寂しいという向きはあるかも知れません。夜半に帰京致しました。

October 3 /
The yesterday’s rain stopped, and it was fine weather early in the morning.I went to the member of society school of the Ichinomiya Fashion Design Center which I was in charge of a class twice a year today.It is the class of an annual color tip.The author of a textbook using is Josef Albers.His grandchild comes over from U.S.A., and it is a class with a mysterious relationship that I am in charge of her chief examiner in a graduate school now.I think that I saved many color tone-deaf people by this system.The young person forgets to be a so splendid class, and it seems to be in a state of mind brought up with oneself alone.I was so in my youth, too.No, it may be so now.The president of Kawajin come to pick me up and, after the end, did a meeting for a little less than one hour.I seem to manage it by another one step.
I talked about the theme after the next fiscal year in the car of the return, I heard this area on this occasion when the operation of the factory became around two-thirds in these one or two years.The domestic operation becomes about 30% in these 20 years and becomes two-thirds again.The technology of these medium and small-sized businesses completely shifts abroad after this occasion.When I ask it the form of this country, a thing of environment has the big theme, but is not so simple.The accumulated technical outflow causes industrial collapse even if you steer it how.Who will protect a delicate relationship that the sensitivity that the expression of the design which the technology of the medium and small-sized business in particular supported was accumulated till now retreats for a limit of the technology?It may be already too late, but I want to hold out for a domestic small business.I came to the restaurant of Sekigahara where the alumnus who was in my office succeeded the parents’ house, and we enjoyed the harvest moon afterwards.His family welcomed it without being concerned with the visit that I think of it suddenly.It looked like he fell into a car now.It was said that his wife cannot approve of him.His restaurant  was prosperous, I felt relieved.The dedication fireworks of the autumn festival were seen from the platform of the return and were able to change loneliness.Unlike fireworks of Tokyo, it is launched after a commentary one by one carefully whose dedication fireworks it is.There may be a person to be slightly lonely when I do not know it.I returned to Tokyo at midnight.

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