’09 28 September


September 27 /A Nozomi Watanabe exhibition was finished today.This exhibition was very prosperous, too.A next exhibition is a Roger Ackling exhibition from November 9.As for this exhibition, critics, a photographer and the person of the overseas embassy had come, and it seems to have been with the members who were a riot.Miss Watanabe thank you.The members of “GALA” gathered my studio at past 2:00 p.m. and transferred their work.Three people including the chairperson will perform group activity as nassensan.The contents start it newly “GALA” increases some elements for an original purpose, and we will handle  the homepage that a chairperson established, and to continue it.A chairperson very thank you.
We cooperate from now on and want to continue being active.With all thanks, thank you for the time being.


September 26 /In a workplace, I mark it with a meeting.The temperature is 36.5 degrees Celsius and normal temperature recently, but has a pain in a throat and a chest intensely.When I have a coughing fit, there is it and wears a mask first of all.I came home hurriedly if it was new influenza when I did not infect a fellow worker.

9月25日/K甚の社長にお礼の電話。現在開発中の生地がなかなかの仕上がりで感激したことを伝えました。11月11日からお披露目となります。お時間のある方は是非、ジャパンテックスまでお出掛けください。出展社数もまばらになり、この先がなかなか見えないインテリアファブリクス業界ですが、先に進む以外ありません。繊維業界という全体的な視点に立てば、ソフト面の若手デザイナーの躍進やSENSE WAREという素晴らしい企画展もあり、それほど悲観的なものでは決してありません。しかし、インテリア業界の「テキスタイル製品は資材である」という考え方は付加価値が繊維の機能にしか付かず、ソフト面での質を問うという経済的なダイナミズムが望めない状況になっています。ジャパンテックスという展示フェアも何のための見本市なのか明確に出来ないまま、ここまで来てしまった結果に過ぎません。クリエーション部門に大きく大学や専門学校に頼る空間構成に、その業界の姿勢が見えて取れます。育てるべき方向性を考えるべき良い機会になればいいと思っています。

September 25 /I did the call of thanks to the president of Kawajin.I conveyed what cloth under development was moved with by the quite good finish now.The cloth becomes the announcement from November 11.The person with the time please go out to Japan Tex.
The number of exhibition company becomes sparse, and a point is the very invisible interior fabrics industry from now on, but there is advancing forward.There is the progress of the young designer as the software provider and splendid plan exhibition called SENSE WARE if it rises in the general viewpoint called the fiber industry, and it is not determined with the so pessimistic thing.However, as for the way of thinking that “the textile product is material” of the interior industry, only a function of the fiber gets added value, and it is in a situation that I cannot expect economic dynamism asking quality with the software.It is only the result that has come to here without can make the exhibition fair of the Japan Tex clear whether it is a trade fair for what.Space constitution to depend on a university and a vocational school for greatly in the creation section understands the weakening of the industry.I think that it should be the good opportunity when they should think about the directionality that they should bring up.

9月24日/連休明け。勤め先にて、後期最初の山場の授業でした。あまり人が集まらないので、心配でたまりません。困ったものです。後期は前途多難です。先日の話ですが、昨年まで私が主査を担当した院生であり 公私ともに遊んで来たK君が大きなことをやり遂げそうです。最近では珍しい、院生でありました。勤め先のプロジェクトもその実現に大きな貢献をしていますが、彼の努力は認めたいと思います。若い人が夢を持って、毎日を過ごせるということが大事なことだと思います。夢は実現できないから夢であって、実現できるなら目標に過ぎないという考え方もありますが、どちらにせよ、その人の後ろ姿を見て、あの様になりたいと思わせるような人間を目指して欲しいと切に思います。とても私を勇気づけてくれる出来事でした。

September 24 /The consecutive holidays.In a workplace, it was the class of the first climax in the latter period.Because many people do not gather, I do not collect for worry.It shows a slight perplexity.The latter period is full of difficulties in the future.It is the story of the other day, but K of the graduate student that I was in charge of a chief examiner until last year seems to accomplish a big thing.It is the graduate student who went together both officially and privately.It was a rare graduate student recently.The project of the workplace does big contribution for the realization, too, but his effort wants to accept it.
I think that it is important that a young person can spend every day with a dream.Because the dream cannot come true, it is a dream, and there is the way of thinking to be only an aim if it can come true.Anyway, I think that I want him to aim at the human being letting him think of “watches the back figure of the person, and to want to become like that” as for me eagerly.It was the event that encouraged me very much.


September 23 /The consecutive holidays last day.I became the at-home work like yesterday.The work to draw came to tend to do it in a home living room.Will the merit be bright?Because a color is an important design, the morning is important.

9月22日/昨晩、家人が家族旅行から帰宅しましたので、Another Functionの当番を交代して、在宅仕事に致しました。その方がリラックスできて、せっかくのお休みに疲れないようにしたいのです。お陰で、いろいろなことが考えられて,良い一日となりました。

September 22 /Because my wife came home from a family outing, I changed a turn of Another Function and did it for at-home work last night.One to do so can be relaxed and does not want to be tired from a precious rest.In such a thing, various things were thought about and became a good day.


September 20.21 days /For family absence, it is space turn.Computer work progresses all day long.


September 19 /It is odd jobs work in the daytime.By the evening, the meeting of the workplace, it is a Mr. Syuhei Takahashi visit.Because it was a splendid schedule, the meeting goes out to Okinawa bar nearby there there.However, I am overwhelmed in the power of Mr. Takahashi.Anyway, he is a hard drinker.Return to the house; and wanting it and a breath.
My wife prepares for a trip from tomorrow.

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