’10 19 November

11月19日/久しぶりに、ポール・ニューマンの「傷だらけの栄光」を見ました。何故か、worryとsupposeという単語が変化形で出て参ります。よくよく考えると現在進行形の人生は〈推測すること〉と〈恐れの払拭〉なのかと思います。スポーツ選手は肉体の衰えとともに第二の人生を歩みますが、チャンピオンとなりニューヨークに凱旋したポール・ニューマンがアンナ・ピアアンジェリに”Somebody up there likes me.”と自分の幸運を語ります。自分の努力だけではうまくいかない人生の 機微が伝わって来ます。最後は運を天に任す潔さでしょうか。I mean suppose so.因に最後のシーン、奥さんのピア・アンジェリの返事が気が利いていて、男が誰に支えられているのか分かるのです。
November 19 /I watched “Somebody Up There Likes Me” of Paul Newman after a long absence at last night.A word called “worry” and “suppose” appears in a declension for some reason.It thinks whether the life of the present continuous is 〈to guess 〉 and 〈 wiping off  fear〉  when I think very carefully.The athlete lives in the second life with physical decline, but Paul Newman who becomes a champion, and returned in triumph to New York tells “Somebody up there likes me.” with his good luck to Anna Maria Pierangeli.The subtleties of the life that does not go well by only your effort is handed down to me.Will it be courage to leave luck to God in the last?For sure,you are in all probability.The last scene of the movie, an answer of Pierangeli who is his wife are smart and understand it whom a man is supported by.

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