’09 7 July


英語での月名、Julyは、ユリウス暦を創った共和政ローマ末期の政治家、ユリウス・カエサルにちなむ。カエサルは紀元前45年にユリウス暦を採用するのと同時に、7月の名称を自分の家門名に変更した。(出典: フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』)

July 7/It is the Star Festival today. The Altair and Vega are couples not a lover. Then it is the beginning of the month of the fixture.
July is the seventh month of the year in the Gregorian calendar, and there is it untill 31st. In Japan, we say Fumizuki, Fuzuki (means the seventh lunar month) in the old calendar and use it for another name of solar calendar July by the present. The origin of the seventh lunar month suggests poetry on the Star Festival of July 7, and it becomes an established theory that there are manners and customs to expose a book to an evening wind. However, originally Japan does not have the event of the Star Festival with the thing which came from China in the Nara era. Therefore there is the opinion to do when it means of the “implication month (pronounce Hukumizuki )”, “ear implication month (pronounce Ho-Hukumizuki)” because it is the month which an ear of the rice includes. In addition, there are “Akihazuki(means in autumn first month)”, another name of “Nanayozuki (means the seventh lunar month)”, too. In the English,the name of the month called the July, there is cause in Julius Caesar of the politician of republican form of government Rome terminal era made Julian calendar. Caesar adopts Julian calendar in B.C. 45, he changed a name of July for his family’s social standing name at the same time.
(the source:)Free encyclopedia “Wikipedia” (Wikipedia))





先日、近くのギャラリーに展覧会のオープニングに出掛けて参りました。地球を意識するという内容だと思います。コンピュータ映像が 内側から映し出される大きなガラスの半球体が幾つかありました。最近、丸いものに縁があります。4年くらい前から丸い紙に鉛筆画を描き始めました。それから丸いものを意識するようになり、身の回りにかなりの丸が存在することが分かりました。一番下段の写真はアイスクリームの金属製のカバーにこびり付いたアイスのかたちが顔に見えたので一枚撮りました。手相などもそうらしいのですが、人間は自然や自分の外側になにかとパターンを見つけたがるのだそうです。手相などというものの背景は過去の偉人などとの比較であり、根拠がないこと甚だしいのですが、面白そうなのでその手の趣味の方に自分も見て貰います。根拠がないことにも果敢に挑戦して、今日あることを思えば、なにも理屈が合えば良いというものでもあるまいにと思ってしまいます。世の中、理路整然は意外と欺瞞、偽善に塗れていたりします。全てとは申し上げませんが。サスティナブル、エコロジーは経済の論理では新しい市場にしか過ぎず、科学や道徳だけで判断するのは如何なものかと強く思います。決してこの活動を否定するものではありませんが、声高に社会貢献などと偽善に塗れるつもりもありません。結果として困るのは自業自得の人間であって、地球はマグマが冷えるまでその表層の歴史を刻むだけの話です。庶民としてはゴミ、エネルギーの問題など勿体ない精神は持ち合わせていますが、まだまだ甘いという自覚はあります。スワヒリ語でいうポレポーレ(ゆっくり)でしょうか。そのうち死んでしまいますけど。

I went to the gallery nearby for the opening of the exhibition the other day. I think that it is contents to be conscious of the earth. There were some hemispheres of the big glass that a computer picture was projected by the inside. By the way, there is a relationship to a round thing recently. I have begun to draw black and white on the round paper from four years ago. Then I came to be conscious of a round thing and understood that there was a considerable circle around appearance. Because the face showed the form of the ice cream which stuck to the metal cover of the cup, I took the photograph of the footline. Also the lines in palm seems to be so, but the human being seems to want to find a pattern in nature and one’s outside all the time. The only setting of the lines in palm is comparison between historical great men. Therefore, it is what is serious to be groundless. However, I have a person with a hobby of the fortune-telling watch lines in palm because I think that I seem to be really interesting. Because I challenged the thing that I think it groundless daringly, but I can make my life untill today. I think of anything if I think so when all will not be the thing which reason should fit. In the world, the thing to see logically is stained with a deception, hypocrisy unexpectedly. I do not express it entirely in fact. Sustainable or Ecology are over in the logic of the economy only in the new market so that I think. I think whether it will be good to judge it from only science and morality. I never deny this activity. However,I intend not to be stained with contribution to society and hypocrisy loudly. It is the human being who is the natural consequenceses to be troubled as a result of present, the earth just ticks away the tegmental history till magma gets cold. We common people have the MOTTAINAI spirits for garbage, a problem of the energy. However, there is the awareness to be more optimistic. It will be “porepore (means slowly)” as I say in Swahili.  I will die in fact while I think about such a thing.

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