’09 25 June




6月22日/本日、朝から九州へ出張を致しました。高名なグラフィックデザイナーのS先生と奥様、嘗て超少女と呼ばれたアーティストのY 先生との4人旅でした。私は半分コーディネーターですので、緊張して参りました。出発の東京は生憎の雨で、往きの機内では「長崎は今日も雨だった」というジョークが飛び交っておりましたが長崎空港は晴れておりました。実はS先生の奥様は晴れ女なのだそうです。見事でありました。昼食後、陶磁文化会館にて国宝級の焼き物の実物を前に副館長さんから直々に講義を受けました。今回は窯元さんも参加致しており長年の知識の蓄積を質疑応答の中で活発にやり取りしておられました。特にS先生は思うところがあるらしく、一番熱心でありました。機内でお伺い致しましたところ、大学在学中は陶芸ご専攻でいらしたそうで成る程と思った次第です。上記写真の最下段は購入時約2000万円の磁器の鉢の裏です。

June 22/ Today, I went to Kyushu on business trip from morning. The participant of this trip was Mr. S is famous graphic designer with his wife,  and Mrs. Y is the artist whom she was ever called a super girl, and I. Because I served as the coordinator, I was tense. It was unfortunate rain in the morning in Tokyo.The joke “Nagasaki was rainy today again(this is the title of Japanese popular song)” was given in the airplane of the going. However, it was a fine day in Nagasaki Airport. In fact, a wife of Mr. S seems to be the women who make a fine day even though weather report say it is rainy  day. We Japanese say “Hare Onna”, Hare means  fine, Onna means a woman. It was wonderful.
After lunch, we took a lecture from the vice-director in front of the real thing with porcelain ware of the national treasure grade in the art museum directly. The potter participated in this time,  and it was exchanged accumulations of the longtime knowledge in questions and answers lively. Mr. S in particular seemed to have a thought and was the most earnest. When I asked Mr. S a question in a plane, Mr. S seems to have been ceramic art specialty during university attendance at school. I thought indeed.
A bottom of the photograph mentioned above is the back of the bowl of the porcelain of purchase time about 20 million yen.

陶磁文化館に伺う前に、この地の磁器産業の祖である李参平が1616年(元和2年)(1604 年説あり)に白磁鉱を発見し、そこに天狗谷窯を開き日本初の白磁を焼いたといわれている泉山を見学致しました。現在では殆ど泉山の土は使われていないそうです。
Sanpei Ri who was the father of the porcelain industry of this ground discovered the ore of white porcelain in1616 (Genna 2 years) (we have an opinion in 1604). Before visiting the art museum, we  observed Izumiyama which was said to be it when Sanpei Ri opened tengu-dani kiln there and baked Japan’s first white porcelain. The ore of Izumiyama seems to be hardly used by the present.



We stayed at the hotel in Kyusyu such as the Netherlands in the evening. The building was European styles such as the Netherlands, but there was a swimming bath on the reception side for some reason. There was turnout such as the public bath. I think it is just Japanese style,isn’t it? The parking lot was almost empty probably because of a weekday.


June 23/We did visiting potteries and a meeting all the time from an early morning today. We had delicious lunch yesterday and today. I was interesting, and I heard the story why Nagasaki Chanpon(mixture) was a Chanpon (It is kind of coocking style junble together everything you can eat in the kitchen. It will invite you to the miracle world. ). It seems to have been meals cooking of the restaurant at the outset. By the explanation of Mr. Kihara, it seems to be because a cook mixes a thing in the kitchen together properly and cooked. From the evening, all the members gathered to one potter and discussed how to lead future work. Afterwards we all returned to Tokyo from Nagasaki.

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