これまで皆様の支援があり、順調に推移して来たANOTHER FUNCTIONの活動です。若手作家も大活躍で、これまでの活動が無駄でなかったと感じ入っております。この半年程、東京を留守にして幾つかの都市で、多様な展示活動を見て参りました。本屋さんに併設されたカジュアルなギャラリーや現代美術の展示として王道を行くようなギャラリー、そして新しい開発地域の中で挑戦的に展示を行うギャラリーなど様々でした。これから、活動が再開されますが海外の作家を数名と日本人の若手作家数名を今年は紹介して参りたいと思っております。新年に当たりまして、旧に倍しまして一層のご支援を賜ればと存じます。本年も宜しくお願い申し上げます。
Cultural activities of ANOTHER FUNCTION which developed smoothly the last year.This is the grace that you supported.I feel that the past activity was not useless, because the young artists are deeply impressed by their great activities for sure. Recently I was away from Tokyo for half a year.I watched various exhibition activity in some cities.I saw the casual gallery which was added to a bookstore in London,the gallery who go the royal road for an exhibition of the contemporary art in Paris.And, in the galleries which it exhibited for a challenge in new development areas in New York City, it was various.I start this activity again from now on.I want to introduce several overseas artists and several Japanese young artists in ANOTEHR FUNCTION of this year.We hope that our activity will continue with your happiness forever.
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