’12/22/Jan./ 思い返し/Helsinki that became the memory

1月22日/段々と東京の生活に慣れてきました。忙しいですね。幾つか、後遺症が残りました。地下鉄でツィッターをしている時などに、人の声が雑音でなくて意味が伝わって来て集中出来ないことです。海外ではあんなに耳を澄ませても何を話しているのか分からなかったのに。中期滞在だったので、凡そ中途半端だったのですが、これからまとめをしなくてはなりません。幾つか並行して、進めて来たスケジュールですが、どのように結びつきますか楽しみです。現在のところは、お世話になった方々へのお礼や、立て替え分の振込、そして報告書の発送です。そして同時に、勤め先に報告書提出です。早く一段落したいものです。かなり次の件が迫っています。緊張は続きます。ANOTHER FUNCTIONですが、今年は山本渉さんでやっとスタート致します。こちらも会わせて宜しくお願い申し上げます。
January 22 /It was gradually used to life of Tokyo.I am still busy.Some, aftereffects were left.When I do Twitter in a subway, the voice of the person is not a noise, and the meaning comes and cannot concentrate on it.When there was me abroad, I was not able to understand what a person talked about even if I listened carefully so much.Because it was short, as for my stay, the approximate investigation was halfdone, but must do a summary from now on.It is some investigation schedules that it proceeded with in parallel, but is a pleasure how they are tied.For the present,I have to send the thanks to the people that I was taken care of,transfer for the rebuilding of the travel expenses, and it is the shipping of the report.And it is report presentation at the same time in my workplace.I want to be completed early.The next matter considerably presses.The strain continues.About ANOTHER FUNCTION, at last starts with Wataru Yamamoto this year.Please check this one; and thanking you in advance.

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