’12/29/Jan./東京の雪、ヘルシンキの雪/Even as for the same snow…..



勤め先の礼状を書いたり、文章の査読をしたり、来年度の計画を立てていると、個人事務所の仕事が出来ません。約束の期日が守れないのはプロとしては失格です。因に、来年度から新しい自分に挑戦です。上手くいきますか、心配は尽きません。人間にはそれぞれに度量というものがあり、一定量であれば古い自分は切り捨てになります。昔、S・ジョンソン著 『チーズはどこへ消えた?』Who  moved  my  chesse?という俗っぽいベストセラー本がありました。そんな心境でしょうか。あと数年で新しい人生を切り開きたいと考えています。最近はハーバードビジネススクール教授ディーパック・マルホトラ著『チーズは探すな!』I  moved  your  chesse.という本が出ているそうですが。まぁ、切りのない論争のようなものでチーズの意味と迷路自体からの脱出がテーマだそうです。いずれにせよ….
January 29 /According to the recent news,It is said that the arrival of the winter full-scale in Helsinki, and it is past winter solstice, and a day got longer.Being similar seems to have been the slightly dangling time in winter in the time when I stayed.All the photographs of the news seemed to be pleasant.I wanted to stay a little more.If I found time, I would intend to go on a trip in Helsinki, as a traveler.It is several years later or does not know it, but wants to visit there sometime, now because I am busy days in Tokyo.To Helsinki of happy winter.When I write the thank-you letter of the workplace and review the sentence and make a plan of the next fiscal year, the work of the private office is not possible.I think that it is disqualification for a professional that it cann’t keep the fixed date of the promise.By the way, I am a challenge for myself who learns a new domain from the next fiscal year.My worry does not run out whether it goes well.Each has a thing called the capacity cost to a human being, and myself who is old will cut it off if it is a fixed quantity.There was a vulgar best seller book called written by S Johnson “Who moved my chesse?” in old days.Will it be such a state of mind?I want to open up the new life in several years more.A book called written by professor at Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration Deepack Maruhotra “I moved your chesse.” seems to appear recently.Oh, seem to be a dispute without the limit; about meaning characteristics of the cheese and get away from maze in itself , these things seem to be themes.Anyway, it is …Helsinki, Tokyo, the influence that even the same snow gives environment and people is different.The circumstances of the local culture and social overhead capital maintenance affect each, too, and then each local characteristic appears.Not only the local issue but also the matter of the age is quite each.Because even the same designer but I am old, I want to continue supporting the new challenge of a young designer.Their courage lets myself who greeted the sixtieth birthday get an illusion.I get an illusion and intends to advance as it is.

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