
January 2 /A happy new year.We thank you for the patronage of the last year, and we will make an effort in this year, so that wise all of you don’t miss it to read, thanking you in advance.I feel that it runs fast, we establish our gallery and will reach the fifth year already.The first holding (June, 2007) was Aya Takagi Exhibition.There was the transfer of space at the end of last year and we think that now is the importent time when we resturt the new project from now on.Fortunately, the gallery of our neighborhood call out to us, and five galleries of the neighborhood hold each plan exhibition according to the joint exhibition of five University of Arts held in the National New Museum in February.  In that, the exhibition will be the beginning of the year.Asking, please stay tuned.

日は昨年末まで遡ります。年賀状書きが、一部一段落したので屋上の整理をしていたときのことです。家人が呼ぶので、反対側の方に行くと上記掲載写真の如く風船のように成長した雑草の根がありました。自然の地下茎では有り得ないことですが、大きな鉢の縁にたまたま跳んで来たか、鳥が運んで来た種がこのようなことになっていました。おもしろいので一枚撮りました。度重なる偶然は、このような奇跡的なことを起こします。物事の因果関係を考えることは、「風が吹けば桶屋が儲かる」のような面白い例えにも成ります。この連鎖の関係性次第で、屋上の鉢の中に起きた奇跡のように、世間にも面白いことが山ほどあるのでしょう。「事実は小説より奇なり」とも言います。自分の体験のなかにも、意外な事実というのがあります。関係していく連鎖をどのように受け取るかはその人次第。政治的な人はそのように、哲学的な人はそのように、道徳的な人は・・と考えると Michael J. Sandelの講義が思い出されます。哲学的なことはさておいて、同定という言葉があります。この言葉を知ったのは、植物画の本でした。最近、読んでいる本にも出て来ました。それは物理学の理論と実証というような意味合いで使用されていました。ある仮説がなかなか実証されない時に、科学者もかなり悩むのだそうですが、新しい技術開発、実証を可能にする技術が実現して同定が行われていくわけです。あるはずだという論理的な数式であろうと、現実的に実証されて初めて認められる物理学、特に量子の領域は実は広大な宇宙へと広がる関係性の因子です。時間や空間を含めた様々な関係を見せてくれるのでしょうか。そう云えばチャールズ・イームズの8ミリフィルムにそのような関係性のものがありました。そのフィルムを初めて見たのは1978年頃、銀座にある日本デザインコミッティーの事務所でした。師匠に是非に見に行きなさい言われて、鑑賞会に伺いましたが盛況で立ち見でした。
The day goes back at the end of last year. Because it was completed partly to write a New Year’s card, it is time when we cleaned the top roof of my house. There was a root of the weed that grew up like the balloon as shown in the above-mentioned uploading photograph when going to the other side because my  wife called.Although it was are not possible in a natural subterranean stem, the kind which flied at the bottom of a big bowl and came to it, or the bird carried had become such a thing by marvelous chance. I was very interested in that, I took a picture.Such a miraculous thing is caused by chance ..happening one after another… Thinking about the causal relation of things becomes an interesting comparison like “The cooper makes a profit・・・・ if the style blows”.Depending on this linked relationship, you will have a lot of things that are interesting in the world like the miracle so that happened in the bowl of the roof. “Truth is stranger than fiction,” also as you know.Even during your own experience, there is an unexpected fact. What the person situation is whether to receive it as for the relating chain?If a political person and a philosophical person consider it depend on a person and then a moral person to be .. The lecture of Michael J.Sandel is remembered. A philosophical thing is set aside and there is the word “identification.” It was the book of a plant drawing that I got to know this language. Recently, it came out also in the book which now I am reading.It was used in implications, such as theory and an actual proof of physics. When a certain hypothesis is not readily demonstrated, the scientist seems to be considerably troubled, but technology to enable new technology development, proof realizes it, and identification is performed. The physics that is recognized only after it is demonstrated practically, the domain of the quantum is a factor of the relationships to open to the space which, in fact, is very large particularly to be the logical numerical formula that there should be. It probably is to show the various relationships which include time and the space?There was the 8 millimeters movie film of such a relationship on the works of Charles Eames that reminds me.It was an office of the Japan Design Committee in Ginza to have watched the film for the first time, it may be around 1978.I was told that it went to look by all means from my master, and I participated in the appreciation society, but it was prosperous, and I was standing to watch.

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