’11/12/June/記憶は身勝手/The memory must be self-centeredness

June 12 /June bride, we were invited to a wedding ceremony the twice in June. It rained with the looks of the sky that were not stable each time. My wedding ceremony with a relative Because it did it for a dinner party with people and the friend who were taken care of We did not do the formal banquet. It did just a wedding simply in Meiji Shrine. It is the reason why the wedding of Meiji Shrine was cheap in those days. It puts our story aside and it is brilliant and feels happy only by young people gathering. As for me, the memory of the youth is not sure. It can build up memory in itself (the thing that the historic record is arbitrary) if I say more.It shares this memory and record, and it may be a human being of the almost same kind a property that it can enjoy it.Even if it is parent and child, the memory is different.When even a photograph is inappropriate for a record, there is it.Because it is matured in your brain as for the memory by self-centeredness, I think that you may enjoy it by yourself.No matter how when even the great person becomes the some age, they change a story on account of themselves.This is a quite natural thing.I think the story of this great earthquake disaster to have possibilities to be very different from the current prime minister with me.I think that it is the times when a young person can make the next times with a dream, even though the victim of the earthquake disaster, and the person who was not damaged,Some prime minister seems to have said, “It wants my measure to look in a historic viewpoint even if it enters long time.”There seems to be the person whom only one told the same thing to as the Prime Minister during World War II once.I want to think that this remark was a correct answer, but will not live.It is surely … …In fact, I who said it like this failed.It is time meeting the teacher of the cramming school the other day.When I stayed in N.Y.C., I memorize it when I surely saw the work of the teacher in MOMA, even the scene comes into me.When I tell a teacher about the story that “I felt so proud.””Relations with MOMA became complexed and the time of the Picasso exhibition or those days, may not have really exhibited” it so that a teacher said.I surely memorize it like that, but think that my brain built up an image without permission.I intend to have never told a lie.I was made realize vagueness of the memory.

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