街の記憶/This is memory of the war. But how about Hiroshima.

l1120748.jpg 4月30日/ 町田市立国際版画美術館で開催中の展覧会は面白そうだ。事実は小説より奇なりと言うが、空想の建築展と名打たれたその展覧会には興味がわく。空想の都市、空想の建築、空想の空間。最後が一番難しい。この写真は空想ではなく、現実である。これを観て、ある思いが過った。原爆がドイツに落ちなかったのは、決して敗戦が早かったからではないと。ロケットも、ジェット機も、原爆の基本設計でさえも連合国だけでは完成しなかったはずだ。欧米を一人旅していると何故か、日本人は実験用マウスではないと言いたい瞬間がある。アメリカも核実験による被害が少なからずあったそうだが、その話は余り表に出て来なかった。旅行の際に機内で観たミステリー映画でも、その話に絡んだサスペンス映画だった。放射能は怖い。ベルリンの遺跡のようなこの壁は、多分空爆によるものだと思うが、ミュンヘンのドイツ博物館で観た大きなロケット兵器は連合国を狂気に駆り立てたのかも知れない。軍需産業の思惑や、イデオロギーの問題など政治で解決するべきものが、様々な理由あっての結果だろう。このシュールなモニュメントが語りかけて来る現実の空間を、決して忘れてはいけない。 April 30 /The exhibition held seems to be interesting in Machida City international print Museum.It says Fact is stranger than fiction, but,I become interested in the exhibition named to Building exhibition of the imagination.A city of the imagination, a building of the imagination, space of the imagination.The last is the most abstractive thing.The photograph which I placed is reality not imagination.When I watched this scenery, thought in me flashed.When the reason why an atom bomb did not fall into Germany is not at all that defeat was early.Neither the rocket nor the jet plane could be completed even by the basic design of the atom bomb only in Allied powers of World War II.When I travel alone in Europe and America, I do not understand it for some reason, there is the moment when I want to say that the Japanese is not a mouse for experiments.There is not seem to have little damage by the nuclear explosion experiment either in the U.S.A., but the story has not been told us about very much.At my last trip, the mystery movie which I watched in a plane was a suspense movie in relation to that story.The radioactivity is fearful.I thought this wall such as remains of Berlin, probably to be the thing by the aerial bombardment, it might drive allied powers to insanity by the big rocket weapon which I watched at a German museum of Munich.The thing which should be settled by the politics including the expectations of the war industry and the problem of the ideology will be a result with there being various reasons.You must never forget space of the reality that this surreal monument appeals for.

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