『中田拓法』展/TAKUNORI NAKATA EXHIBITION/2013/02/10~02/25





A landscape is not a vision we just see from the distance.We ourselves are being a part of it and the landscape itself will include us.When the wind blows, it is true, trees and flowers sway in the breeze.But do remember  that we also are swinging. Unlike an outlook, such a landscape is not easy to see through. Just  standing  inside the landscape,however, we can leave our hearts with it, and this must be the meaning of empathy.Isn’t it natural, then, that  we are made of exactly the same elements as the landscape?Not satisfied with just stepping inside the landscape ,

Takunori Nakada the painter with power and skill, will go further to dig up the ground andeven pull out a kind of genius loci.

text/ Kunio Motoe

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