『青谷徳子』展は終了致しました。/”Noriko Aotani” Exhibition was finished.



さて、ANOTHER FUNCTIONですが、来春までお休みを頂きます。その間に、これまでの活動をまとめたいと考えています。次回展は内定は致しておりますが、時間を頂きたく存じます。来春に向けて、簡単なリニュアルとあらたなスペースの利用も考えております。

The exhibition of Aotani Noriko was finished in the prosperity of the latter, too.Her work was very delicate and was surprising handwork.

By the way, it is the future of ANOTHER FUNCTION, we have taking a rest until the next spring.Meanwhile, we want to settle past activity.The next time exhibition is arranged informally, but wants to have time.For the next spring, I regard the use of new space as a simple renewal.

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More from fudeya
’08 4 November
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