「石神まるこ」展 Maruko Ishigami Exhibition 2008/12/13 – 12/26


12月13日(土)ー26日(金) 11:00ー18:00 無休

2007/ 多摩美術大学美術学部絵画学科油画専攻卒業
2008/ 現在、多摩美術大学博士前期課程 美術研究科2年

本江 邦夫

What is space? In the painting converging on the two-dimensionality, or being in its neighborhood , this is the ultimate question. Space may be concealed or quite present in our daily life. But close your eyes. Then, you’ll feel that there might be space within yourself.

For Maruko Ishigami, the first thing to do is to create miniature furniture and animals out of paper clay. They will reappear as motifs in her paintings. Space, first captured and transformed into a body by her own fingers, is then reconfigured or recognized in her paintings, with the effect of appearing through the surface. This must be an answer to the ultimate question: what is space?
text by Kunio Motoe

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