’09 31 August


8月31日/ 影が少しずつ、長くなって参りました。といっても、本日は台風で大雨でした。昨日は夕方から仕事になりませんでしたね。選挙開票速報や今後の政治の行方などを話し込んでいるうちに時間になり、仕事を終了した次第です。あ〜〜〜〜ぁ幸せになりたいなぁ。

August 31 /A shadow became slightly long.It was a heavy rain in a typhoon today, though.It was not worked from the evening yesterday.While I had a long talk in whereabouts of election up-to-the-minute returns and the future politics, it was time and was finished by work.
Oh, I want to become the … -ippiness … -hippiness…..- a happiness.



8月30日/ 昨日に引き続き、アルバイトをいれての仕事です。このところアルバイトがいないときは、自分でコンピュータ作業を行いますので、イラストレータの使い方が多少マシになっていると思います。それ以外にも果物の表面を確認したくて梨を買ってきました。洋梨と日本の梨は違うものですが、日本の梨はブラックホールのような凹みをもっており観察していると吸い込まれそうになりました。それで吸い込まれる前に食べてやりました。うまかったです。

August 30 /It lasted yesterday and had Mr. Tsuchida help with my work as a part-time job.When there is not a parttimer recently, I think that how to use illustrator becomes better to some extent because a computer operates by oneself.
I wanted to confirm appearance of the fruit and bought a pear.A pear and the Japanese pear were different things, but the Japanese pear had the dent that seemed to be a black hole, and it was almost breathed in when I observed it.
Thus I ate before it was breathed in. It was good!!!!!!!!!.


8月29日/本日、ニューカマー登場。イッツ・ニューのクッションです。これから様々なデザインを製品としてネット販売して参ります。PRINT&PAINTをこれからもよろしくお願い致します。PRINT&PAINTとは1992年に始めたプライベート・ブランドです。当時、デザイナーが自分のショールームでプライベートな開発製品を人前にさらすこともなく、売り込みも控えめでした。昨今の若い人たちの、トレンドとしてオリジナル製品の展示販売があります。そんなスペースやフェアが出てきたのは、百貨店から専門店へという売り場や、問屋から工場直送といった商品の流通形態が変化してきたことによる、ちょっとした変革なのです。若い人は、物怖じせずに前へ前へと伸びていってほしいものです。下の紫色のメタリックな壁のショールームは当時、青山に構えた(現在の東京三菱UFJ銀行青山支店右奥20mの小さなビルにありました)事務所の隣にあったPRINT&PAINTのショールームです。当時はPRINT&PAINTではなくPRINT OUTというブランド名だったと思います。10月にPRINT&PAINTとともにANOTHER FUNCTIONにて復活致します。何故、PRINT OUTがPRINT&PAINTになったのかご興味のある方はもうしばらくお待ちください。

August 29 /A new product arrived today.It is the cushion which is it’s new.A net sells various designs as products from now on.To make PRINT&PAINT favor from now on; thanking you in advance.PRINT&PAINT is the private brand which I began in 1992.There were few people whom a designer held own showroom, and it did not need to advertise the development product which was private at the place, and the sale of the product was modest in those days.Now a day,there is the exhibition sale of the original product as a trend of the young people.Some of the reason why such space and fair came out to be slight changes by the consciousness trend of consumers from a department store to a specialty store and the circulation form of articles from the wholesale dealer to a factory direct shipment having changed.For my hope, a young person is not timid and wants you to lengthen forward and forward.
A showroom of the purple metallic wall of the lower photograph is a showroom of PRINT&PAINT which there was next to the office which I held in Aoyama (there was it in the small building very close by Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank Aoyama branch right depths 20m) in those days.I think that it was a brand name called PRINT OUT not PRINT&PAINT in those days.It revives in ANOTHER FUNCTION with PRINT&PAINT in this October.If there is the one that is interested why PRINT OUT became PRINT&PAINT, already wait for a while.


August 28 /I met Mr. Shuhei Takahashi early in the evening and toasted it with beer.
There is reason in this, and it is not gone out to drink liquor too far and wide now.
It was within easy reach of for me, but it was time that we spent happily each other.
I did a seeing off of Mr. Shuhei Takahashi and I drank one cup of shochu of the bottle in Okinawa bar to return and came home.I drink too much.Reflection.

8月27日/この三ヶ月くらい、仕事が捗らずクライアント泣かせであります。若手の売れっ子小説家が「アイディアが出ないときは気分転換しようと仕事を忘れようと疲れようと全く効果がなく、その薄皮を慎重にはがして空中に浮遊するそれを何気なくしっかりと捕まえるまで、どのような仕儀もまるで無意味だ」とエッセーに書いていました。とにかくアイディアというものは泉のごとく湧くときと、そうでないときの締め切りの怖さは何とも言えません。「今月中には、お送り致します。」と言った 自分が悔やまれます。来年五月発表と言っても、試作が一二度繰り返されるともう5月です。怖いですね。真剣に参っております。

August 27 /I annoy a client without work progressing for these around three months.
A young famous novelist wrote it for the essay.There is not the effect at all even if I try it hard even if you do a change when an idea is not given to forget work even if tired.Any kind of case seems to be meaningless at all till I tear off the film carefully and catch it which floats in the air well casually.Anyway, as for the feeling of strain to feel so fear of the deadline that I do not feel when an idea springs out like a spring, there is not a manner of speaking at all.I regret oneself who said that I “send it by the end of this month”.It is announcement, but an exhibition already comes in next May when one or two times of trial manufacture is repeated.I am fierce.I give up seriously.

8月26日/MT先生の装飾に関する本を読み返す。何度読んでも、自分のデザイン領域がなかなかに深いことを知る。表面や表層という視覚的な情報が伝えるものは、ファンクションといった構造やメカニックの中身重視とは別の本質的な機能を持つものだと思う。それがANOTHER FUNCTIONと名付けた理由である。エモーショナル・デザインとでも言うのだろうか。そういってしまうと、簡単そうなのだが「あなたに気に入られる」こと、気分の問題はそんなに簡単なことではないのだ。

August 26 /I read “a soul to decorate” that is the book of Mr. Mayumi Tsuruoka again.I know that a design domain of my own is very deep even if I read how many times.I think that the thing which visual information called the surface and the outer layer conveys has another essential function with the contents serious consideration of structure and the mechanic such as the function.It is the reason why I named ANOTHER FUNCTION.Will you say even emotional design?It seems to be easy when I say like that, but “being in favor with you and a problem of feelings” are not that it is so easy.


August 25 /I have a meeting with two members of gala in the evening.I decide to tell the member who was not able to participate today about content by the end of today.
It does not really go well by no missing each other same thought and to do it favorably.I go carefully now.By the way, whether the sample of the liquor which I sent to Mr. Fujiwo Ishimoto who is in the far-off foreign country reached it or will it be the confiscation at the customs?Sympathy, the shochu of our hometown.
Is on the conditions of a country,; but, as for handling of the alcohol, is various by the country.The package to the foreign countries is careful about prohibited goods, everyone, please be careful. Boo hoo woo.

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