’09 24 August.

8月24日/この一ヶ月近くは、地獄のようでした。次から次へと事件が起きて、アシスタントの手配もあり大変な8月でした。大きな事件と、改めて思ったことを書きますとコンピュータの故障は意外に根深く私の頭が電脳化されていることを思い知らせてくれました。未だにphotoshopとillustratorのアプリケーションがダウンロードされていない分、デザインに困難が付きまとっています。iCalが復活して、スケジュールや締め切りが少し把握できるようになりました。コンピュータの極端な失速は、私の頭をボーッとさせました。今考えてもゾッと致します。そんなボーッとした頭の中で、対処を間違えたいくつかをこれから是正して参ります。アシスタント募集については少し目処がつきましたが、本格的にはこれからです。galaのメンバーにも謝罪して、協調を考えなくてはなりません。11月には100%デザイン東京CUBE展の出展やロジャー・アックリングの来日と展覧会開催のメディアへの告知。一番手前には、8月中に終了したいデザインの山と渡辺さんの個展開催準備です。これからは頻繁に、更新して参ります。不幸中の幸いもありました。このダイアリーは新しいコンピュータ、Mac Book Airで書いています。エッヘン。

August 24 /
For this nearly one month, it seemed to be hell for me.An incident was taking place from next to next, and it was August that there was the arrangement of the assistant and was very unstable.When it is a big case, I write that I look back and thought.It has realized that the trouble of the computer is inveterate unexpectedly and makes my head an electronic brain.A design is haunted by difficulty as much as an application of photoshop and illustrator is not yet downloaded.Because iCal revived, I got possible to grasp some schedule and deadline.The extreme stall of the computer let my brain be absentminded.I shiver now even if I think.Because I thought with such a brain which I was not able to think clearly, I must correct some which were able to make a mistake in measures from now on.I seem to get along well about the assistant recruitment a little, but have just begun in earnest.I apologize to a member of gala and must think about cooperation.We have the exhibition of the 100% design Tokyo CUBE exhibition in November.There are a visit to Japan of Roger Ackiling and the notice to the media of the exhibition holding, too.When I press, there are a lot of designs which I want to finish by the end of August.And it is the most important private exhibition holding preparations for Watanabe.I update it frequently from now on.There was the happiness during a death for me, too.I write this diary in new computer, Mac Book Air.  Ahem.


August 23 /I went for this year’s last campaign of the workplace.The examinee in the end of the summer seemed to be still cheerful.I have murmured “did your best”in my heart when I thought that they met me with a severe face in winter.I want to change my head for the work of the workplace soon.


August 22 /Today, the last day for M who is the part-time assistant.Work progressed than I thought and was informed of quite good ability.I had a peach every day recently, it was his souvenir.Thanks.I already let a one more parttimer in the morning and did the putting in order of the office.I treated a hamburger steak and a teriyaki lunch of the chicken because of thanks.August is the end, I can almost wrestle for work with a new feeling from September if I end two points more by the end of this month.Because all three of us appealed for the pain of the throat in the evening, I contact a field overseer of the construction on the telephone.

8月21日/本日は2ヶ月に一回の歯の定期検診日、銀座までお出かけ。このところの懐の寒さで、シャツのオーダーは取りやめ。Another Function隣のビルの取り壊しが始まりました。これから耳栓とマスクの常用が必至です。暑い夏にもなかなかエアコンが使えなくなるのかと思うと全く憂鬱です。エアコン室外機が丁度隣のビルとの境にあり、空気取り入れ口が向うをむいています。残念。

August 21 /It was the periodic medical examination day of the tooth once in two months today, and I went out in Ginza.Because my home was a recent curtailed budget, I did not do the order of the shirt.The demolition of the Another Function neighboring building began.It is inevitable from now on to use earplugs and a mask regularly.I think whether I cannot readily use an air-conditioner in hot summer, and I am really depressed.There is an air-conditioner outdoor unit in the boundary with the just neighboring building, and air scoop turns to the other side.I am disappointed.


August 19 /It is problem outbreak in gala which Fudeya corporation supports.It needs how to get rudders hard to please.I cannot help thinking with everybody of the member from now on.I will intervene, but want to let it go past by a soft landing for democracy as much as possible here.I will plan the review of contents in future in order to develop activity of gala progressively.


August 17 /W who is my assistant left the office last month.Because recently we employed M as the part-time job is very clever, and it is the reason why can take the communication smoothly, I do not feel much stress.He considerably handles the work that is a high level smoothly.When initial W does upside down when I take it carefully, it is M. Mmmmmmmmmm~~~~~~~~~~wwwwwwwwmw.


August 13 /Relaxation today only during a summer vacation.I and a wife went around the areas they were called  “Hills” in Tokyo.Window-shopping including the article trend.I realize the thing that is not sweet economically.Even a sale article, cannot you do anything a little more?

8月12日/100% DESIGN tokyo 事務局よりCUBU展参加審査の合否連絡を受ける。秋が楽しみである。

August 12 /I receive results communication of the CUBU exhibition participation examination from the 100% DESIGN tokyo secretariat.As for me, autumn looks forward to coming.


August 9 /An office is in the summer vacation.Until 16th.



August 8 /I went for forgetting heat to an eel shop N-Iwa nearby.We ate the second class in the table seat of the first floor not the room of usual the third floor.I thought that I was better than it was turned to the branch and took heart.We came home to be similar without getting a round fan to get every year.



8月7日/五年前から地域産業振興支援で係っている有田の商社を訪問、デザインの打ち合わせの後九州陶磁文化館訪問、夕方に福岡に出て夜の便で帰京。今回 初めて非常口隣の席になりました。座席指定時、既にコンピュータにて確認を取られていましたがキャビンアテンダントの方が改めて災害時の協力について確認 を取りにきました。何時も取りつく島のないキャビンアテンダントが羽田着陸まで笑顔で(私たち仲間よ)光線を送ってくれてヤバかったっす。もっとも着陸後写真を撮ろうと思いましたら「お客様。電子機器類は使用禁止です。この風景は写真に撮りたくなりますよね。」とやんわり指摘されました。

August 7 /I visited the business firm of Arita concerned with by the Local Economic Deveropment Support of Industry for five years.After the meeting of the design, I visited THE KYUSHU CERAMIC MUSEUM.I appear in Fukuoka in the evening and return to Tokyo by airplane in the late night.I became the emergency exit neighboring seat for the first time in this time.When I took seat appointment, it was already confirmed yes or no of the cooperation at the time of the disaster with a computer.However, I came when I sat down in my seat so that a cabin attendant took the confirmation about it some other time.The cabin attendant who did not play it all the time sent rays (we are company) to me with a smile to Haneda landing and was happy.It was pointed out gently in fact that “the electronic instrumentation was the ban on use, and a visitor wanted to take this scenery to a photograph” when I thought to take a photograph after a landing.

8月6日/午前10時にロービー集合にて、本番の仕事のため会場に展示をして受験生を迎えて進学相談をして後片付けを夕方に終了。その後、同僚の殆どは帰 京。会場にてJ.T.C.(日本テキスタイルカウンシル)でお世話になっているM美のT先生と東京Z大のO先生に会う。しばし、談笑して持ち場に戻る。

August 6 /We gathered in Robey of the hotel at 10:00 a.m.We constituted a meeting place for an entrance into a school of higher grade conference and met an examinee and talked about the entrance into a school of higher grade and finished clearing safely in the evening.The most of the fellow worker return to Tokyo afterwards.
I met Mr.T who is a professor in MAU and Mr. O who is a professor in Tokyo Zoukei University that was taken care of  J.T.C.( Japan textile council)  in the conference place. I have a pleasant chat for a while and come back to the post.

8月5日/本日は午前9時30分にロビー集合で、午前中の仕事からスタートお昼は因幡うどんを食べました。このうどんの甘さは讃岐系との双璧をなす甘さで、シコシコ系ではないうどんの王者を頂きました。昼食後、もう一件仕事をこなして夕方にホテルにロビーに集合、現在福岡の食の最前線にて海鮮料理を頂 く。イタリアンと日本の混合料理は大変美味しいものでした。

August 5 /It was a meeting and started from work in the morning today in the lobby at 9:30 a.m. and ate Inaba udon at noon.The taste of Inaba udon had a king of the udon which was not resistance to the teeth system for taste to make two excellent things with the roots of Sanuki.We finished one another work after lunch and gathered in the hotel lobby in the evening and ate seafood now in the battle front of the meal of Fukuoka.I felt that Italian food and the Japanese mixture dish were very delicious.


August 4 /I was a business trip by the work of the workplace today in Kyushu Fukuoka.I entered Fukuoka by the airplane in the early morning and checked in a hotel.I finished one personal meeting and went to the set place of the airport afterwards.I joined safely, and put work away, and we ate ”mizutaki”( The food served in a pot which eats a bird and vegetables and pork with delicious soup)with all the members for supper. We did reflection party in the bar of the hotel afterwards.
There was it before passing of the rainy season, and it was Fukuoka that was not hot.
It is a business trip of 4th from now on in three days.

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