’10 30 October


10月30日/本日、午後一時三十分に勤め先の若者と合流。遠くからファッションショーの準備を観察致しました。ショーは台風にも拘らず、大成功でした。お手伝い頂いた学生さん、大変ご苦労様でした。ムーミンのピロケースを貰って、皆さんご機嫌で帰宅致しました。その後、関係者の一人と会食。午前一時までの長丁場でしたが楽しい夜でした。それにしても、私達が若い頃に憧れた所謂有名デザイナーの高年齢化を目の当たりにした、デザイナーズウイークでした。HIRAMEKIの会場に現れた、M.Y.さんやK.E.さんは最早車椅子の人でした。それでも好奇心は強そうで、最後まで会場を回られておりました。その姿は感動的でありました。人は必ず、年老いていく訳ですからどのように最後まで仕事に係るかはその人のやり方次第。私にとって、教員の退職はあってもデザイナーとしての退職はありえません。タイムレスをデザインの命題に掲げる北欧文化の祭典であったからこそ、彼等も登場したのかも知れません。レスペクトという言葉が軽く使われる文化とは違うのかとも思います。いつまでも若く居られれば、それも佳しですが。最近、佳境に入って来た植物図鑑の本ですが、またまた面白い内容に当たりました。それは植物とそれをコントロールする人間との関係性の話です。人間が対象物を自在にコントロールする行為は、支配ということになり、その関係性は非常に緊張を強いられます。しかし、その支配の関係に愛情を込めると対象は可愛がるという行為になるというのです。曰く、対象物はペットに変わるというのです。植物でも動物でも一緒の話だそうです。これを師弟関係に置き換えると、昔からteacher’s petという言葉があり、本人はクラスメイトからは総スカンを喰う訳です。愛情が偏って見えるからでしょうか。巷間、愛などというもは偏るから愛を感じるので、この偏りを上手にコントロール出来る御仁もおり、人心把握に長けております。誠に、忌々しい限り。この植物画の本も僅かとなりましたが、なかなか進みません。元凶であったインタビューの聞き書きが、先週末に終わりました。これから編集してGALAサイトのスタートです。ここに来て、やっとペースが取り戻せそうです。
October 30 /I join the youth of the workplace today at 1:30 p.m.I observed the preparations for distance or fashion show.The show did not affect a typhoon either, and it was a great success.The student who had help it, thank you very much.They got pillow case of Mumin and came home with  good mood.I eat with one of the people concerned afterwards.It was a long scene until 1:00 a.m., but it was the night when it was happy.Still,I appreciated that the high age of so-called famous designer whom we had a crush on in youth,it was the designers week that I did it in a thing of eyes.Mr.Munemichi Yanagi and Mr. Kenji Ekuan who appeared in the exhibition place of HIRAMEKI were already people of the wheelchairs.Their curiosity seemed to be strong, and they were still gone around the exhibition place till the last.Their figures were impressive.Because the person gets old by all means, how is concerned with work till the last; on the way of the person?Even if there is the resignation of the teacher, for me, the resignation as the designer is not possible.They may have appeared simply because it was a festival of the North Europe culture to declare Timeless in the proposition of the design.It may be different from the culture that words called respect are used lightly.If you are young, and it is forever there, it is beautiful.It was the book of the pictorial book of flora which was in the climax, but was the interesting contents once again recently.It is a human being controlling with a plant and a plant itself, a story of those relationships.The act that a human being controls an object freely is to rule over it, and the relationship is forced to strain very much.However, it is what become the act to love an object when it puts love for relations of the rule.Something, an object are what turn into a pet.It seems to be the story that is same as with both the plant and the animal.For example, when it replaces this with master and pupil relations,because there are words called teacher’s pet from old days, the person yourself is subjected to tormenting by your classmates.Will the reason be because it seems that love is prejudiced?People,because the thing called the love is partial, it feels it, and the person who can control this deflection well is good at hearts of the people grasp.As far as it is really hateful.It became slight pages to read the book of this plant image, but does not readily advance.The note of personnel affairs of the interview that was the ringleader was over late last week.I edit it, and it is the start of the GALA site after this.It comes here and at last seems to be able to regain my pace.

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