’09 2 August


8月2日/本日は怖いお話です。早めのお昼をと思い立ち、最近出来たラーメン屋さんに行く。生憎の雨の中をアルバイトのT君も一緒に出掛けた。 ラーメン屋の玄関口の傘立てに、傘を立てるか店内に持ち込むか迷った。立てかけたので入り口で見張ることにした。上記掲載の写真は前回食したつけ麺である。今回は特性ラーメンを注文。食べ終わり、店内を見渡すと混雑の様子。この店は長続きしそうだと確信した矢先、ひとりの若いホスト風の人が来店。外国人アルバイトに「ここの売りは何だ」と質問。彼女は「食べたいものを、自動販売機でチケットを買ってください」と返事した。そのとたん、その男は顔色を変えて「さっきから説明を読んでも、分からねーから聞いてんだよ!」と怒鳴りスタンド椅子を蹴りつけ、ポケットから千円札を取り出し、これ見よがしに札束を掴む右手を水平に回転させた、小指の付け根の周りに赤いラインが見えた。よく見ると一筋、切れ込みが入っている。瘡蓋が出来る前の傷のようだ。よくよく見るとワイシャツにも血痕がある様子。無視して全員、黙々とラーメンを啜る。その男が出て行くのと、我々が帰るのが一緒になった。私の傘を持っていこうとするので、後ろ姿の男に向かって「その傘は私どものものです」と言った。振り向いて「なんだ、お前の傘かよ」と言い放ち、私に近づいて「こうるせぇこと言うんじゃねぇーよ」と小声ですごんだが、傘は返してくれた。その後、別の人の傘を「じゃー、俺のはどれだ。これか?」と凄み、帰っていった。人の傘については確定できないので「違うよ」とは言えなかったが、心の中では「オオバカヤロー!!!!」と心拍数を上げてしまった。帰宅途中、その男を再度見かけると他人の傘をぼろぼろにしていた。また心の中で「コノ、ハンパヤロー!!」と口汚く罵ってやった。本当の悪になるには、もっと時間が掛かるのだろうけれども男を売る稼業は大変なのだ。

August 2 /It is a fearful story today.I wanted to eat early lunch and went out to the ramen shop which opened in the neighborhood recently.Mr.T who is working part-time recently in my office went with us in unfortunate rain.I was at a loss whether I have had better make an umbrella in the umbrella stand of the doorway in the ramen shop.Because I finally leaned an umbrella, I decided to watch the entrance.A photograph of the publication mentioned above is the reckoning noodles which I ate last time.I order characteristic ramen in this time.I finish eating, and being crowded looks when I look around a shop.I was convinced that this shop seems to last long, but a young man like male companion for hire comes to the store suddenly.He asked a foreign parttimer,”the first fucking recommended cooking of here was what”She answered him,”Please bought a ticket with a vending machine as you wanted to eat”.
When she answered, the man changed the complexion immediately.He shouted “Son of a bitch!! Fucking ask it because I did not understand it even if I read fucking explanation since a little while ago. Hey don’t you hear me” and kicked a stand chair.I saw a red line around the root of the little finger which he took out a thousand-yen bill from a pocket, and turned the right hand which caught a  paper moneyl in an ostentatious way horizontally.When I look carefully, a cut seems to enter the straight red line.It seems to be a wound before a scab is made.When I look more carefully, there seems to be a bloodstain on a shirt.All the visitors of the shop slurp ramen in defiance of it silently.
It became simultaneous with the man leaving the shop that we returned.Because he was going to take my umbrella, I said that the umbrella was our thing toward the man dressed in the back.He turned around and swore immediately whether “Oh ass holl, fucking umbrella which you said what, was your thing?”.When he approached me, “Mother fucker. Got me angry when you said such a fucking troublesome thing”, he said and threatened it in a low voice, but returned the umbrella.He threatened it with the umbrella of another person “if you said such a fucking thing whether mine was which, and my thing was this”, and he returned afterwards.Because cannot be settled about the umbrella of another person, I was not able to say “It’s not yours either”,; but I shouted in my mind “Oh fuck and ass holl and son of a bitch and damn it and great bull shit.I hate the man like you” have raised a heartbeat count.I saw the man again on the way to my office, but the man did the umbrella of another person into pieces.”Such a indecisive guy like a childhood” that I cursed it in a heart abusively again. It will take time more so that he becomes a true wirepuller.However, it is hard you really devote one’s life, and to do business. I really think about it.





August 1/I went to the private exhibition place of Yukie Kaneko who was a member of gala.I was busy with work recently, too, and this visit was the last day.There was the exhibition place in the corner left behind by redevelopment of Kodemmacho where there was nostalgia, and there was an interesting exhibition and active space.I took a walk through Ningyocho afterwards.And I arrived at the house road.I and my wife went the mysterious stand bar in Kamiyacho. I drank beer in the bar and ate a barbecued chicken and came home.

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