’09 18 September



September 14 /Nozomi Watanabe exhibition began.As for this exhibition, an image video movie is the main subject.Darkness was necessary for the video movie, and the only letting in light of my office can be blocked by cloth.As far as it is a dark office, but is busy for an exhibition to concentrate the work in November every single day.
This business continues during October.When two business exhibitions are over in the middle of November, I will begin preparations for the next fiscal year.A new homepage will start in next month.Production time is necessary a little bit more, but starts to be concrete by the end of this year.


September 16 /In a workplace, a meeting continued today on after noon.
I ate lunch in the evening and came home because the class was finished.
Afterwards, I went to buy alcohol to the Donkey nearby.The reason was sake of the parties of Nozomi Watanabe.This exhibition had bad timing, and we were not ready for the party by the dismantling construction of the adjacent building, the time of the assistant absence.We survived it by the friendship of Aya Takagi and light-handedness of Watanabe.Aya Takagi, Nozomi Watanabe thank you.A party began.Nozomi Watanabe did the number of the participant of the party in mind she did not call out to her acquaintance very much.However, it was imaginary fears.Many people gathered, and it was a pleasant party.




September 17 /
I am unusually in charge of a class pro-lecture today only for 45 minutes.When the professor of the other subject was lecturing during the same class, and I looked at the step, I was seen in the scenery which a cord was gathered up, and wound up a coil like a snake.I became weird for the black luster feeling of the cord cover.When I returned to the office, the notice of the exhibition arrived from Tomohiko Mihoya of the Mihoya Glass.It was the notice of the exhibition of Mr. Kuramata.Mr. Kuramata is a designer left a lot of anecdotes for during the lifetime.
We can hear an anecdote in various places.The diversity of the anecdote lets the character of Mr. Kuramata go out alone as Kuramata legend during the lifetime.I wonder if the great person is talked about in various ways posthumously and is at a loss.There are some as far as I know it.
It is a story about the former Soviet Union movie “Solaris”.There are many stories about the friend relations of Mr. Kuramata also.I think the story of Mr. Kuroda to be those one.I want to go to watch a red chair.


9月18日/ 毎朝、お氷川様のお水を換えるのは家人の役目なのです。今朝のことです。家人が大きな声を上げました「ちょっと来てみてよ」。行ってみますと上記掲載写真のような雲が、遠く六本木ヒルズの空に不思議な形で現れておりました。早速、私は屋上に上がり写真を撮りました。室内で見た方が刷毛で段々を描いたような雲でした。地震雲かと訝りましたが、一日無事に終わりました。今月末の締め切りが多く難儀を致しております。

September 18 /
It is a duty of my wife every morning to exchange the water of Hikawa Shrine’s  household Shinto altar.It happened in this morning.My wife raised a big voice; ” hey come on!!!?”.When I went, a cloud such as the publication photograph mentioned above, the mysterious cloud appeared in the sky of Roppongi Hills.I entered the roof at once and took a photograph.When the one that I watched in the room was the cloud which stripes were drawn on with a brush, I felt the cloud.I doubted with an earthquake cloud, but was over safely all day long.I have a lot of deadline at the end of this month and do hardship.

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