’10 14 September

September 14 /I went for Man Ray exhibition with Mr. Shuhei Takahashi sensei after a long absence yesterday.In the New National Gallery being near from my office.On the pants which are shortish and a straw hat as  my style, Mr. Shuhei Takahashi wore cotton pants and wore a beach sandal, and it looked a very rough appearance.The most of the viewer were such appearances.This exhibition is held a lot so far and did not expect it, but will be the best in the Man Ray exhibition whom I watched so far?After that,we drunk a little in the beer garden of the Midtown and said good-bye.It is not true story,actually we drank with my wife and my staff a little more.It was happy.I went to receive a photograph towards Mita in the morning,there is Sanuki hall, and the beer garden being gorgeous (know it only with a photograph).It wanted to tempt somebody some time.The uploaded photograph mentioned above is a beer mug of the lacquering.The shine does not have the real thing like a photograph.I went from one two art galleries of Ginza to another in the morning.A bamboo exhibition (Mr. Kenichi Samura) which is held with Aso Bijutu as for one until today, another one  was Koichi Ebizuka exhibition of the Yoseido gallery.In there having been Mr. Ebitsuka in the art gallery, I had a chat a little and returned.The exhibition of Mr. Ebitsuka just started, please go out by all means.

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