’10 12 October

October 12 /It is the story of last Sunday.We dropped in at the Aoyama Book Center for the return from the office.The reason is because my wife said that she wants to look for a document of the work.So that my wife says soon that it is troubled if students looked at such a situation when the teacher seems be a bookstore to do search for document ,”She did ribble-rabble.When I thought so that I went to the different section and could turn to my face there because there was no help for it, I was swatted a shoulder from my back by somebody.It was Takeshita of the graduate.When I asked whether he had the free time, he answered that he has the free time, o that we went to the wine bar nearby.A long-established restaurant began this bar in a new one on the first floor.During last week, it did a bargain sale of the wine.There is wine cellar underground, and it is considerable collection.The person with free time takes it.I asked about the present condition of Takeshita or the present condition of his classmates while eating  a pizza lightly in the restaurant.His the face which was clear-cut and fearless was sense of fulfilment itself.He will work in the office from this for three or four years,and he told me that he would like to get  techniques well.We went in noodle  restaurant name is Tsurutontan of the photograph mentioned above afterwards.This is the restaurant where a large number of visitors line up, we go to an Irish bar nearby when we drink only one beer as we smash the time, when we come back the restaurant our turn was splashed, and we waited a little, and we are informed the seat finally.
When I look up at the ceiling on this occasion,I am interesting the plumbing of the air conditioning such as the huge udon and my drunkenness influenced it,and oneself became the sense eaten by this huge udon.Awful,so that the bowl of this restaurant is big,nevertheless I am the person that the head is big it becomes the sense that seems to be breathed in.We finished dog eat dog and praised the safety each other and said good-bye to the graduate here and were available in paths of house.”We met a graduate today. It is the thing which is mysterious if we do not get together in a bookstore because we were not able to meet each other” while we were saying to come to the crossing of Iigura-katamachi, it was Tokyo Tower such as the following publication photograph.

そういえば、日曜日は祭日でありました。1964年10月10日は、あの東京オリンピックの開会式でした。思い出すと当時、鼻がむずむずして鼻風邪だと思ったものです。その鼻風邪現象が花粉症だと言われ出したのは、つい最近の話だと思います。思い返せば、幼い頃から春と秋に鼻水が止まらずに困ったことを思い出します。 その当時、花粉症とは思わず、蓄膿症と勘違いして兄も病院へ行ったことを思い出しました。病名が分からず、どうしたものかと母親が困ったような顔をしていたのが印象的です。ともかく10月10日は1964年の東京オリンピックを記念した体育の日です。青空を背景に、東京タワーの晴れやかな姿もありました。その当時よりも、けばけばしいタワーではありますが、何事も全て時間とともに変化致します。翌日の空は晴れ渡り、当時の開会式を彷彿させる様な天気でした。本日、12日は夕方からサイトのリニューアルの打ち合わせでした。11月15日を目指すものと、12月中旬を目指すもの二つに分けて小規模なリニューアルを致します。現在、投稿原稿の整理と掲載写真や新たな企画に向けて少しずつ進行中です。先日も卒業生が、事務所を訪ねて来ました。卒業後2、3年経つと進路について考え始めるようです。初めから理想の職場や職業は無く、先ずはスキルアップを目指して頑張って頂きたいです。また、昨今の円高や国内の景気など考慮すれば、海外へ仕事を求めて出掛けるのも一考に値すると考えます。あまり、可能性を狭めないようにした方が良いと思います。嘗て欧米を目指した時代と違い、近隣諸国の経済的な成長を考えると私達が若かれし頃とは違った状況が見えては来ます。しかし、そう単純にいかないのはご存知の通りです。なかなか、簡単ではありませんが現代の若者には新たな市場を目指して欲しいものです。「現代の若者」などと申しましたが、つい今しがたまで私もそのように言われておりました。
That reminds me it was a festival day on Sunday.On October 10, 1964, it was the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympics.As for me, a nose itched and thought that it was a head cold in those days when I remembered it.I think that it is a just recent story to have begun to be said that the head cold phenomenon is pollinosis.I remember an embarrassing thing if I reconsider it since I was young without a runny nose stopping in spring and autumn.I remembered that it mistook for empyema with the pollinosis unintentionally in the those days, and the older brother went to a hospital.However, it does not understand the name of disease, it is impressive for me to have had look that my mother’s face with what to do and were at a loss.Anyway, it is Health Sports Day in memory of the Tokyo Olympics of 1964 on October 10.Backed by a blue sky, there was the bright figure of Tokyo Tower in those days.It is the tower which is more showy than the those days, but all what changes with time.The sky of 11th was clear, and it was the weather that seemed to remind of a then opening ceremony.On 12th, I did the meeting of the renewal of the site  from this evening.It divides a time limit into two of the middle of December on November 15, and we do a small renewal.It is slightly in progress for the rearranging of the contribution manuscript and a publication photograph and a new plan now.A graduate visited the office the other day.It seems to begin to think that it passes after graduation for two or three years about a course.In there not being the ideal workplace and occupation from the beginning,at first it wants he aims at the skill up and to do your best.In addition, I think that it deserves consideration to go out in search of work to the foreign countries if it considers the appreciation of the yen of these days and domestic economy.I think that you had better not narrow possibility very much.A different situation comes into view when we were young so that I think about economical prosperity of neighboring countries unlike the age when we aimed at the design of Europe and America before.However, a result not getting so simply, as you know.It is not very easy, but I want young designers to aim at the new market.I wrote it as “young designers”, I was said like that until only a few minutes ago, too.

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