’10 25 December 素敵な青年と食欲/A charming young man and our appetite increase


12月25日 /23日のこと、このところ徹夜続きの家人を夕食に連れ出す。いつも満席で入れないお店に、予約なしで奇跡的に入店。カウンターに座り、ビールを一杯、軽くつまみながらワインをオーダーして食事を待ったが、なかなか出て来ない。カウンター越しにピッツァが焼かれていくのをみて、次は自分の番だと思いながらそのピッツァは違う席に運ばれていく。小一時間も待っただろうか、気軽にカウンターのなかの青年に声を掛けた「ピザ焼くのうまいね。下地作りなんか、大変なんでしょ。」と。青年は明るく「今日はもう食事は終わって来店なさったんですか。どうです、なかでピザ焼いてみませんか。」という。食事がまだ来ないことを告げると、スタッフに確認してくれてオーダーが通ってないことが分かった。普通なら、「もう良いですよ。」と帰るのだが、家人の食欲が問題なので快く待つことにした。その青年はピッツァ焼き専門なのだが、掛け合いで食事を楽しくしてくれた。寿司屋も一緒だが、大将次第というところはある。自分でも仕事は、最大限のサービスが必要なのだと思ってしまう。気難しそうにしているだけが能でもあるまい。何事も吸収を良くするには、その欲をどのように喚起するかということではないのか。24日は予定通りフィンランドからFさんが来日、K君とデザインサイト21_21にて 待ち合わせ、展示を見てお昼を食べ、T君が参加しているグループ展に連れて行く。Fさんは足に少し障害があり、拙事務所4Fまでの階段は忍びないので、ここでお別れ。元旦に帰国予定ということらしい。今度、何時会えるのか分からないのだが、簡単な別れで済ます。その方が、気が楽かと思う。本日はそのグループ展のクロージング・パーティーに参加。ST先生にもお会いする。今年最後かも知れないのだが、簡単にフェードアウトする。皆様、悪しからず。家人の年末の忙しさは格別で、年賀状も書けないでいます。早くスタッフが来ると良いです。経済的には助かるのですが、身が持ちません。来週の月、火曜日は年末の挨拶です。今年の日記はこれでお仕舞いです。皆様、良いお年をお迎え下さい。今年もお世話になりました。
December 25 /It was 23rd, I took out my wife vigil follows recently to supper.In the restaurant where there are not meals in booked out all the time, we are entering there miraculously without a reservation.We sut down at the counter, and took a cup of beer each, we ordered a bottle of wine in spite of being a snack lightly and waited for a meal, but we could not get the meals readily.We see it a pizza being burnt over a counter, the pizza is carried to the different seat while thinking that the next is our turn.It would wait at front row time, I called out to a young man in the counter willingly”You look so good at baking a pizza.When the making of Pizza dough is so serious, isn’t it.”The young man said brightly; “You already finished a meal, and did you come here? How about, do you want to bake a pizza in the counter. “When I told him that a meal did not yet come to us, he confirmed it to the staff, it realized that order did not go.Usually, I would say “Thank you, OK that’s all. I have got to go back so quickly.See you.” and I went back , however it was willing to wait because my wife’s issues was appetite.The young man was specialized in pizza ware, and he  made us so happy  to take a meal by his bargaining.A sushi bar is the sort of same system, there can be the thing on a master’s talk. The work needs service to the maximum that myself thinking.So just has done the face always difficultly will not be talent as you know. I think how is the desire roused so that what may improve absorption? Miss Fave visited Japan on schedule from Finland on 24th, I met with Mr.Kondo and her at design site21 _ 21, we ate lunch after see arround an exhibition, I took them to the group exhibition where Mr. Tsuchida participated in afterwards.As for Miss Fave, the stairs to my office 4F was unbearable, finally I said goodbye here.She seems to be such as the return home plan on New Year’s Day.Now I don’t know when I can meet her next time, but I say goodbye so simply because of littlebit sad. It thinks that the mind is comfort as for me.I participated in the Clausing Party of the group exhibition today.I met Prof. Shuhei Takahashi.It may be the last chance that I meet him in this year, but easily does fade-out from there.Everyone, I beg you to understand our conditions.My wife’s business is exceptional in the end of the year and cannot write the New Year’s card, too.I hope that the staff will come early.It is saved economically, but the body of my wife does not keep well.I am greetings of the end of the year on next Monday and Tuesday.This year’s diary is put away by this.Have a happy new year, everyone.I would love to say that thank you very much for your kindness and patience.LOVE.

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