’10 10 October

10月10日/午後から事務所に出ます。明後日の打ち合わせに備えて、今日明日で下拵えです。私は文筆家ではないので、あえて料理用語で準備の事を下拵えと表現致しました。言葉の使い方を勤め先でも指摘される事があります。言葉が正確ではないとか、文法上おかしい言い回しとかです。考えてみれば、高校まで国語の授業はあった訳です。現在、普通に生活して行く上で、それ以上のレベルは必要とされてはいませんが間違うようです。しかし、あまり身を守り過ぎてもスケールは小さくなります。多少の冒険は文筆業でお金を頂いていないということでお赦し頂きたい。様々な事への対処は万全を期しても不可抗力、理不尽、想定外などといった局面に立ち至る事が多々あります。強迫観念は切りがありません。「シークレット・ウインドウ」という映画の中でのジョニー・デップが緊張と恐怖のあまり、侵入者と見間違えて自分が映っていた鏡を割ってしまいます。その際「killed mirror」と呟きます。この話は、その後の恐怖に結びつくので脅迫観念とは言いきれないのですが、思わず笑ってしまいます。振り返れば、私も鏡を殺している事は多いような気が致します。
October 10 /I go to the office from the afternoon.For the meeting of the day after tomorrow, it is preliminary arrangements by today and tomorrow.Because I was not a writer, it expressed preparations with preliminary arrangements by a cooking term daringly.There is the thing that it is pointed out how to use in the workplace of words.It was said that words are not appropriate, and the expression that is funny in grammar also.There was the class of national language to the senior high school if it thought.The levels more than it are not needed now when it lives commonly,but, it seems to be wrong.However, even if it protects too much oneself too much ,the scale will become shrinks.Please permit the some adventure that I do not have money by the literary profession.The measures to various things are unavoidable to be absolutely sure, and it is often that it enters situation such as unreasonableness, the assumption outside.The obsession does not have a limit.In a movie called “the secret window” ,  when Johnny Depp took it for an intruder because of too much strain and fear and, he had broken the mirror which himself was reflected in.He murmurs “killed mirror” on this occasion.Because it is tied to the later fear, this scene cannot say the obsession, but laughs unintentionally.I feel tend to suppress a mirror if I look back.

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