日帰りスケッチ旅行(その1)/ A trip for sketching in a day(part 1)



若いクラスメートと日帰りスケッチ旅行に出掛けました。一人では、度胸がないので二人なら人前でスケッチも出来るかという安易な発想です。勤め先では、春は出来るだけ外に出てもらうように配慮して、スケッチをそこかしこでして頂いてます。この建物はAntonin Raymondの設計したST. ALBAN’s CHURCHです。東京タワーのすぐ近くにあります。以前、勤め先の若い人が結婚式をここで致しました。いつも正面から見ており、結婚式のおりも正面から礼拝堂には入り眺めていたせいで、奥がこのような建築である事を知りませんでした。オペラハウスなどは、前面の舞台よりも奥行きの深さが素晴らしいですが、それに近いものがあります。しかも、木造の切妻屋根をTの字にした造りです。この建築家は、Frank Lloyd Wrightが帝国ホテルを設計した際に来日し、第二次世界対戦の前後をのぞいて日本で多くの建物を設計しています。本人は引退後米国に帰国、すでに他界致しておりますが、現在でも、レーモンド設計事務所は存在しています。その後、2〜3軒のホテルや寺院を廻り霊南坂教会に。最終的には赤坂でgaletteを食べcidreを飲み帰路に就きました。

April 4

I went out for trip to day’s sketching with a young classmate.I do not have courage if I am alone to sketch it outside, but I considered if we were two people, the sketching is possibility in public. That’s an easy way of thinking.I consider it as much as possible to have a student sketch it outside,and I make a student to do that in many places.This building is ST.ALBAN’s CHURCH which Antonin Raymond designed.There is this church close to Tokyo Tower.The assistant of the university held a wedding ceremony before here.However I always looked at this church from the front and I entered the chapel at the front and looked at the verge of the wedding ceremony, I did not know that such like depth as the building’s profundity.In the opera houses, depth of the profundity is more splendid than the frontal stage, but, in this church, there is anything which is near to it.Besides, it is the character called T-shaped in a wooden gabled roof made.When Frank Lloyd Wright designed Teikoku Hotel, this architect visits Japan with him and designed many buildings in Japan except before and after of World War II.The person himself goes back to the United States after retirement and has already died, but the Raymond drawing office exists even now.We went around 2-3 hotels and temples and went to the Reinanzaka church afterwards.Finally we could eat galette in Akasaka and swallowed up cidre and left for home.

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