’12/13/Aug.夏期休暇は大切。Short-lived happiness.

8月13日/毎年この時期、街は閑散として、暮らし易い。正月と同じようだが、違う点はお盆の方が休みらしい静寂だ。街行く人々も嬉々としているわけでもなく、急ぐ様子もない。たまに、車が通るのでその音が良く聞こえる。僅かな休みだが、大切にしたい。今週後半から、Jussi Aalto展の展示。現在、案内状の送付中。野暮用はいくらでもあるが、この夏は事務所、自宅の大掃除と草刈り。後は、最近お遊びで始めた数学、物理の演習問題を解く。これくらいで、丁度夏休みが終わり。植物はイイネ、水さえ上げれば花が咲いてくれる。線形というのは予測できるということで、植物の偉大さがそこにある。皆様も良い夏休みを。
August 13 /The town is deserted in this time and is easy to live every year.It looks same as New Year holidays, but the different point is the quietness that the Buddhist Lantern Festival seems to be absent.There are not the going people willingly, and the appearance to hurry does not have a town either.Because a car goes infrequently, you can hear the sound well.It is a slight rest, but wants to take good care.
From the end of this week, we have to exhibit the Jussi Aalto exhibition.It is dispatching the notice now.There is the uninteresting business so as not to be able to count it, but I have to do general cleaning of my office and home and mowing in this summer.Afterward, I will remove the issue of practice of mathematics and the physics that I began as a joyride recently.Actuary, a summer vacation is just over.The plant is good.A flower blooms if you give to even water.It is to be able to predict it to be linear, and that is reason why there is the greatness of the plant.All of you please spend a good summer vacation.

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