校風/The school tradition


7月13日/本日は東京造形大学に参りました。この建築は磯崎新さん。よくよく考えると新というお名前はペンネームかと思う程です。氏の活動の中でどのように位置づけられているのか、門外漢には理解不能ですが明るくて上下の変化に富んだ現代的な建物でした。内部も見学してみたかったです。今回訪れたのは白井晟一さんの設計した美術館でした。これはこれで趣のある重厚な空間と建物で、磯崎さんのものとは全く違う様相を呈しておりました。キャンパス計画は一人のデザイナーがやった方が統一感はあると思うのですが、意外と美術大学は建物ごとに設計者が違ったりします。それはそれでより深いものになるのかも知れません。 暑い夏ですが、皆様には御身体御自愛下さい。

July 13 /I went to Tokyo Zokei University of Art and Design today.The design of this building is Arata Isozaki.I think the name called ARATA whether it is a nom de plume when I think carefully.How it was placed in his activity was indigestibility for an outsider, but was the modern building which it was bright, and was full in a thing of up and down.I wanted to observe the inside.It was the art museum which Seiichi Shirai designed to have come this time.This presented an aspect totally different from the thing of Isozaki in this in tasteful solid space and building.As for the campus plan, the one that one designer did thinks that there is the general feeling, but the University of Arts is unexpectedly different in a designer each building.It may become deeper in its own right.In hot summer, I hope that you are still fine even though such humid season in Japan,please take care of oneself to all of you.

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