’09 16 November



November 14 /It was a visitor today from U.S.A.I took him to my university and had him give a lecture, and I brought him back by my car to a hotel when I returned.I told the change of the route to the university to him in order that there was traffic regulation concerning a President Obama visit to Japan today.When they left New York, he did the face which seemed to be annoying when serious.For advanced age and the very big man that he was serious, I thought that I might be slightly small by my car.Because he said whether “you bought a new your car this year”, I answered that “this car was the same car”.Then he said that “I bought Saab of the type same as you, and it was good at all”.Because he got into the same car last time before last time, he seems to have remembered it.While the person gave a lecture, I did a meeting of new homepage making in a workplace.Its original plan is completed on December 5.This visitor seems to own the big residence in the New York suburbs.He seems to be great Japanese favor.His suburban residence and garden became the thing which was considerably conscious of the Orient.I had a look at it with a photograph in fact.There are many visitors from the foreign countries, and I continue feeling stress recently because I must talk about the foreign language.Roger and Sylvia return from Gunma on the afternoon of 18th.They stay overnight in my home, and they are return home by a flight of the morning of the next day in London.How will it do whether I will see him to Narita Airport?There is where to practice thought.At this chance I think whether I forget the work of the university for around one year and will live in the necessary area of the foreign language.Finally it was disappointed with one.It broke down in this summer and accomplished revival, and I dropped the notebook which purchased a battery charger on the other day, and, as for it, a LCD screen has crashed.I was shallow.



November 15 /The NHK special feature was excellent tonight.I want to examine non-commutation geometry a little more.The Riemann expectation seems to be a hypothesis about the prime number.One Sheen of the movie which it watched before a little to me encountered memory.It is that a mathematician is an even scientist and a creator with a philosopher that I was deeply impressed.Art and architecture and a design and physics and mathematics and science and chemistry and the philosophy feel like there being it in the near place unexpectedly.House and wearing of the mathematicians who took an interview are cool.In addition, numerical formulaof beauty is totally designs if I say that.Though there is a fractal figure, but the figure aspect by the non-commutation geometry may near truth of the world, the beauty without an end.It is attractive, and it may be easy to become the captive to find out a world principle.Still, it seems to be a cross axle cooperation study through the information of numerical formula.It is fierce, and there is that they merely pursue one in this way and lose sight of even the life of their own.The avant-garde mathematician is full of sporting bloods, and you will not be fit if not ambitious.All of you called a mathematician by were individual.



November 16 /The item handling of call that there was yesterday.In the evening, it receives a telephone from the authority.It should continue it as it is.The pressure increases more and more.It seems to become the scary place for me when it exchanges the viewpoint at the university from the next fiscal year.I want to think about only the student.I push forward the next work quickly.It does not stay to me at time like a young person.Will you become slightly stubborn?Oh, it is unpleasant.Do I take even the study of the elementary particle?

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